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Saturday, March 25, 2023

March 25 -- "Spontaneous Worship"

 Today's Reading:  Exodus 4

"Spontaneous Worship"

Spontaneous worship is the truest form of worship.

Today’s verse describes a pivotal moment in the story of the Israelites' exodus from Egypt. Moses had just performed several miraculous signs as evidence of his divine appointment. When the Israelites saw these signs and heard Moses' message that God had seen their suffering and was going to deliver them, they believed.

Their belief was accompanied by an act of worship, as they bowed their heads in reverence and gratitude for God's intervention on their behalf. This verse highlights the power of faith and the importance of recognizing God's sovereignty and goodness, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

This was an act of spontaneous worship. It was natural, unplanned, and unrehearsed. Their hearts were so moved by the evidence of God’s intervention that they impulsively bowed their heads and worshipped. This is the truest form of worship – that which springs from the heart as a result of God’s presence being revealed.

The Bible contains several instances of spontaneous worship, where individuals or groups of people worship God in the moment without prior planning or preparation. This was not a scheduled “church service.” Note that there is no mention of music, a worship leader, a band, choir, liturgy, a temple, a building, or preaching. Our verse says they simply “bowed their heads.”  Bowing of the head is a physical posture that can be used as an act of worship to express humility, reverence, and submission to God. This spontaneous outpouring of worship was evidence of the Holy Spirit's presence and work among them and is the truest expression of worship as it comes from the depth of one’s soul.

God’s word encourages spontaneous worship as a way to express our love and gratitude to Him in a moment of special blessing from above. Take a moment now to bow your head, turn your heart and thoughts Heavenward, and worship your loving and gracious Creator.

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