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Thursday, March 30, 2023

March 30 -- "Acting Upon God's Word"

Today's Reading:  Exodus 9 

"Acting Upon God's Word"

This verse describes a scene during the time when the God of Israel was bringing plagues upon Egypt in order to secure the release of the Israelites from slavery. In this particular instance, the eighth plague is about to be inflicted upon Egypt, which would be a devastating hailstorm that would kill both people and animals who were outside.

Interestingly, we are told that some of Pharaoh's officials, who had begun to fear the power of the God of Israel, immediately brought their slaves and livestock inside to protect them from the hailstorm. This shows that even some of Pharaoh's own people were beginning to acknowledge the strength of the God of Israel and were taking steps to protect themselves and their property.

When people truly believe that God is about to act, they feel compelled to take action themselves, either to align themselves with God's plan or to prepare for the consequences of God's actions. This speaks to all of us about the necessity of knowing God’s plan, preparing for what is coming, and taking action to align ourselves with Him.

Ultimately, taking action based on God's coming action requires faith and a willingness to trust in God's plan. It involves listening for God's guidance and being open to the possibility that God may be leading us in unexpected directions. By aligning our actions with God's will, we find meaning and purpose in our lives and contribute to His cause in our world.

In light of this truth, what are you doing to prepare for what God is about to do? Are you seeking His truth and guidance? Are you preparing yourself and your loved ones? Are you taking action to be ready for what is coming?

Jesus, in teaching about what to expect just prior to His Second Coming told a parable about ten bridesmaids. Some were prepared for the coming of the Groom, but some were not. The moral of that parable was this, only "they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut." (Matthew 25:10) Those who were not ready were stranded on the outside of the marriage feast wishing they had taken action.

Jesus is coming soon. He has given you signs and clues that will signal His imminent return. Are you acting upon God’s word and readying yourself? Act upon His word and you will be counted among those who are “ready.”

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