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Tuesday, April 11, 2023

April 11 -- "Little By Little"

 Today's Reading: Exodus 23 & 24

"Little By Little"

In today’s passage, God is promising to help the Israelites conquer the land of Canaan, which He has promised to give them as an inheritance.

The "little by little" principle referred to in this verse is a concept that can be applied to spiritual growth and maturity. In this sense, "them" would refer to any obstacles or challenges that an individual may face in their spiritual growth, such as doubts, fears, or temptations. It also refers to the spiritual forces of evil, such as demons or the devil, that may seek to hinder or obstruct an individual's spiritual growth. Just as God promised to help the Israelites conquer the land of Canaan gradually, over time, rather than all at once, the process of spiritual growth is often a gradual one.

The Almighty God certainly could have instantly leveled all of Israel’s enemies to the ground if He chose to do so. But, in His wisdom, He called the Israelites to instead “fight the good fight of faith.” In doing so, their faith was strengthened and their spiritual resolve solidified. As it turned out, their full possession of the Land would take many years and many battles to achieve.

In the same way, God could (if He chose to) conquer all of your challenges and enemies and weaknesses and sins in one fell swoop. But, in His wisdom, He has chosen the path of “little by little” as the means to spiritual maturity for His children.

This "little by little" principle emphasizes the importance of patience and persistence. It is often through consistent and intentional effort over time that we are able to make progress in our spiritual lives, rather than through sudden and dramatic changes.  Proverbs 4:18 says, "But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day." This verse encourages believers to continue on the path of righteousness, knowing that their spiritual lives will grow and mature over time, just as the light of dawn gradually increases until the full light of day.

The process of spiritual growth and maturity involves a variety of practices, including prayer, reading the Bible, attending church, and serving others. By engaging in these practices regularly, we can gradually deepen our relationship with God, become more mature in our faith, and conquer every enemy along the way.

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