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Monday, April 17, 2023

April 17 -- "Anointed and Consecrated"

Today's Reading:  Exodus 30 

"Anointed and Consecrated"

My dear child, I am the One who loves you and watches over you every day. In Exodus 30:30, I spoke to my people through Moses and instructed them to anoint Aaron and his sons as priests, setting them apart for service to me.

The term "anoint" means to smear, drench, or rub with oil. Anointing with oil was a sign of consecration, of being set apart for a special purpose. I wanted my people to understand the importance of the priestly role and the sacredness of their service to me.

As my child, I want you to understand that you too are called to a special purpose, a purpose that I have planned for you since before you were born. You are not just an ordinary person, but a child of God, set apart for My service.

Just as I anointed Aaron and his sons, I want to anoint you with my Holy Spirit, filling you with power and strength to fulfill the purpose that I have for you. I want you to know that you are not alone in this, but that I am with you always, guiding you and leading you on your journey.

I want you to trust in Me and seek my guidance in all that you do. Allow Me to anoint you with my Spirit, filling you with the wisdom and understanding you need to fulfill your purpose. Let your life be a reflection of my love and grace, shining like a light in the darkness and pointing others towards Me.

Do not be content with just a “smidgen” or “dab” of the Holy Spirit upon your life. Instead, seek My full anointing of power and blessing – be drenched by it! Anointing with the Holy Spirit's presence and power is a deeply meaningful experience for those who receive it.

Remember that you are my precious child, and that I have great plans for you. Trust in me, and let my anointing empower you to do all that I have called you to do.

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