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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

April 18 -- "When Preparedness Meets Willingness"

 Today's Reading: Exodus 31

"When Preparedness Meets Willingness"

In this verse, God is describing a man named Bezalel whom He has chosen to oversee the construction of the Tabernacle. God chose Bezalel because He had given him the necessary skills and talents to carry out the work. Bezalel was specifically chosen by God to be the chief artisan and craftsman, and God's Spirit empowered him to excel in his work.

The Bible also suggests that Bezalel was chosen for this task because he was willing and obedient to God's call. Exodus 35:30-35 states that Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab (another skilled craftsman) and filled them with the Spirit of God to do the work of the Tabernacle. The text emphasizes that they were "wise-hearted" and willing to serve in this task.

When someone is called by God to a particular task, it means that God has a specific purpose and plan for their life, and that they have been chosen to carry out that plan. It also means that their heart was willing and obedient to God’s call.

This can be a deeply fulfilling and rewarding experience for the person who is called, as they are able to serve God and make a meaningful impact on the world. When someone is called by God, they are empowered by His Spirit and given the necessary skills and resources to carry out their mission.

Moreover, when someone is prepared by God to fulfill their calling, they are equipped with the knowledge, wisdom, and character traits needed to succeed in their mission. This can include both spiritual and practical skills, such as leadership abilities, communication skills, a deep understanding of God's Word, or (as in the case of Bezalel) the ability to oversee an important construction project.

It is a wonderful thing when God's calling is clearly upon a person's life and He has prepared them to fulfill that calling. It is a testament to God's love and faithfulness, as He guides and empowers His people to carry out His plan for their lives. What is He preparing you for? Is your heart willing to follow His leading and be obedient to His call? Respond to His call and see what a wonderful thing it is when preparedness meets willingness.

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