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Friday, April 21, 2023

April 21 -- "The Merciful and Gracious God"

 Today's Reading: Exodus 34

"The Merciful and Gracious God"

Exodus 34:6 is a powerful reminder that God is not distant or aloof, but rather intimately involved in the lives of His people. He is a God who loves us deeply and desires to be in relationship with us, despite our sin and imperfection.

Earlier in Exodus 33, God had promised to show Moses His glory, and in response, Moses asked God to reveal Himself to him. Here, God grants Moses this request by descending upon Mount Sinai in a cloud and proclaiming His Name and attributes to him. The phrase "passed before him" implies that God appeared before Moses in a visible form, perhaps in a way that Moses could perceive with his senses.

As God passed before Moses, He proclaimed Himself as "the LORD, the LORD" - a repetition that emphasizes the importance of what God is about to say. The four attributes that God then reveals about Himself are:

Merciful: God is compassionate and forgiving, even when we don't deserve it. He shows us mercy instead of punishing us as we deserve.

Gracious: God is kind and generous, bestowing blessings on us that we do not deserve. He gives us good things that we could never earn or repay.

Slow to anger: God is patient and forbearing, not quick to become angry or wrathful. He gives us time and space to repent and turn back to Him.

Abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness: God's love for us is unchanging and enduring, and He always keeps His promises. He is faithful to His covenant with His people, even when they are faithless.

Taken together, these attributes paint a picture of a God who is both just and loving, holy and merciful. God's mercy and grace do not come at the expense of His justice and holiness, but are rather expressions of His character and nature.

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