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Saturday, April 22, 2023

April 22 -- "A Freewill Offering"

Today's Reading: Exodus 35 

"A Freewill Offering"

In today’s passage, we see that the people of Israel generously gave of their own resources to provide the materials and supplies needed for the construction of the Tabernacle.

The phrase "whose heart moved them" is particularly significant in this verse. It suggests that the Israelites were motivated not by obligation or duty, nor by routine or tradition, but by a genuine desire to participate in the work of the Lord. They recognized the significance of what they were doing and were eager to contribute in any way they could.

The term "free will" generally refers to the ability of an individual to make choices that are not predetermined or coerced by external factors. It is the capacity of a person to make decisions that are not solely determined by biological, environmental, or psychological factors, but rather by their own conscious choice and agency.

Free will generosity is the type of generosity God desires from His people, and the type He will reward and bless. What a joy it is to give of ourselves and our resources in this manner.

This passage is a powerful reminder of the importance of generosity and voluntary giving in the life of faith. It shows that true worship and devotion to God are not just about fulfilling obligations or following rules, but about giving of ourselves freely and joyfully to participate in His work. When we give with a willing heart, we not only support the work of the Lord, but we also experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from participating in His kingdom.

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