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Sunday, April 23, 2023

April 23 -- "The Skilled Craftsmen"

 Today's Reading: Exodus 36

"The Skilled Craftsmen"

In Exodus 31, God specifically chose Bezalel and Oholiab to oversee the construction of the Tabernacle, and He gifted them with the necessary skills to complete the work. This was not a matter of natural ability or talent, but rather a special endowment of God's grace. In Exodus 36:2, we see Moses calling together not just Bezalel and Oholiab, but also every other craftsman who had been similarly gifted with the necessary skills.

The phrase "in whose mind the Lord had put skill" emphasizes the idea that the ability to do this work was not just a matter of human effort, but rather a divine gift. The craftsmen were not self-taught or naturally talented, but rather they had received a special endowment of skill from God Himself. This recognition of divine gifting is an important theme throughout the Bible, as it highlights the fact that all of our talents and abilities ultimately come from God.

The phrase "everyone whose heart stirred him up to come to do the work" emphasizes the idea that the craftsmen were not just hired hands, but rather were responding to a call from God to use their talents for His purposes. Their hearts were stirred by the Holy Spirit to respond to God's call, and they willingly gave of their time, energy, and skills to complete the work.

The New Testament affirms the idea that our talents and abilities ultimately come from God, and that there is a difference between natural ability and spiritual gifts.

In 1 Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul discusses the concept of spiritual gifts, which are special abilities given by the Holy Spirit to believers in order to build up the Church. Paul emphasizes that these gifts are given by the Holy Spirit according to His own will and are not something that can be earned or acquired through human effort. They are given for the common good of the Church and are meant to be used to glorify God.

It is an amazing and beautiful thing to behold when a job needs to be done and the person(s) chosen for the work are gifted supernaturally by God and have hearts that stir them to do the work.

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