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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

April 25 -- "Mirrors of Bronze"

 Today's Reading: Exodus 38

"Mirrors of Bronze"

This verse describes the making of the basin and its stand. The basin (also known as the "bronze basin" or "laver") was a large bowl made of bronze or brass that was used for washing by the priests in the Tabernacle. It was filled with water and used for washing the hands and feet of the priests before performing certain duties, such as offering sacrifices or entering the holy place. The basin measured 7½ feet in diameter and was 4½ feet high.  This practice emphasized the importance of spiritual cleanliness and purity in approaching God.

What is particularly interesting about this verse is that it mentions the source of the material used for making the basin and its stand: mirrors donated by the ministering women who served at the entrance of the tent of meeting.

In ancient times, mirrors were typically made from highly reflective and polished metals, as the technology to create glass mirrors did not exist. These mirrors would have provided a dimmer and less clear reflection than modern mirrors, but would still have been useful for personal grooming and other purposes. It is likely that the mirrors donated by the ministering women were highly valued possessions, as mirrors were considered a luxury item in ancient times.

The fact that the ministering women were willing to donate their mirrors for the construction of the Tabernacle suggests that they placed a high value on their worship of God and on contributing to the construction of the holy place. It also demonstrates their generosity and willingness to sacrifice for the greater good.

Are you willing to give up your “mirror” (any highly valued possession) for the greater cause of worshiping and serving your Creator? He is looking for men and women willing to demonstrate the same generosity and readiness to sacrifice for His kingdom.

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