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Monday, April 3, 2023

April 3 -- "Be Silent!"

 Today's Reading:  Exodus 14

"Be Silent!"

Being “silent” and waiting for God to act can be a very difficult thing. When facing a problem or difficult challenge, we humans instinctively want to leap in and solve the problem ourselves. But here, The Lord tells the Israelites “you have only to be silent.” Oh, how often we misunderstand God’s role and our role in the situations of life.

Today’s verse means that the Israelites should remain calm and trust in God's protection, rather than panicking or trying to fight Pharaoh's army themselves. This is a message of reassurance from God to the Israelites. It reminds them that they are not alone in their struggle, and that God is on their side. The phrase "the Lord will fight for you" indicates that God will take action on their behalf to protect them and ensure their freedom. This is His role.

Whether we are facing personal challenges such as illness, financial difficulties, spiritual warfare, relationship problems, or larger issues like social injustice or political unrest, we can take comfort in the fact that God is on our side and will fight for us. This does not mean that we should remain passive in the face of challenges, but rather that we should approach them with a sense of calm and trust in God's promise to do His part.

Our part is to remain “silent” as we watch the power-working God fight for us. We are not alone in our struggles. We can rely on God to fight for us and protect us. By trusting in God's plan and remaining calm in the face of adversity, we can find strength and hope to overcome whatever challenges we may face in life. This is our role.

Our role is to remain peaceful knowing that the power of God is on our side. His role is to fight for us, and in His proper timing He will do exactly that.

The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.

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