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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

April 4 -- "The Million Person Choir"

 Today's Reading:  Exodus 15

"The Million Person Choir"

The Song of Moses, found in Exodus 15, is a powerful and poetic hymn of praise and thanksgiving that the Israelites sang to the Lord after crossing the Red Sea and witnessing the defeat of the Egyptian army. The song is traditionally attributed to Moses, who is believed to have composed it with the help of his sister Miriam.

The song is notable for its vivid imagery and powerful language, which celebrates God's deliverance of the Israelites from slavery and his triumph over their enemies. It describes the awe-inspiring spectacle of the Red Sea splitting in two and the Israelites walking across on dry land, while the pursuing Egyptian chariots are swallowed up by the waters. It also celebrates God's sovereignty and his faithfulness to his covenant with the Israelites.

Verse 2 declares that the Lord is their strength and their song, meaning that He is the source of their power and joy. The phrase "He has become my salvation" emphasizes that the people have transitioned from seeing God merely as the God of their ancestors into a people who now have a personal and powerful relationship with Him themselves. The Lord has given them a new life and a new identity as his people. Oh, what joy it brings when we enter into such a relationship.

It also affirms their personal relationship with God, calling him "my God" and "my father's God." This emphasizes a sense of personal ownership and responsibility for their faith, as well as a connection to their ancestral traditions and the promises of God to their forefathers. He is not merely a far-away God who has little interest in m life, but He is “MY” God and delights in working in my day-to-day life bringing freedom, salvation, and joy.

Exodus 12 mentions that 600,000 men, in addition to women and children, left Egypt with Moses. This would mean that the total number of Israelites singing this song was well above a million. Imagine for a moment the resounding chorus of these voices declaring the praises of Yahweh. 

Now, take a moment and let your voice raise in praise to Him for becoming your salvation and your God.

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