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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

May 10 -- "Spiritual Cleanliness"

 Today's Reading: Leviticus 15

"Spiritual Cleanliness"

My child, I am the LORD God, and I speak to you now through my word in Leviticus 15:31.

This verse was a reminder to my people, Israel, to keep themselves pure and holy, especially in matters related to bodily fluids and discharges. I gave them these laws not to burden them but to protect them from physical and spiritual harm and to keep them close to me.

As my child, I want you to recognize the importance of spiritual cleanliness in your life. While you may not be subject to the same laws as the Israelites, you are still called to keep yourself pure and holy before me. This means avoiding anything that could defile you spiritually, such as impure thoughts, words, and deeds.

I want you to understand that the principle behind this commandment is still relevant today. Just as physical cleanliness was important to My people Israel, so spiritual cleanliness is important to you. I want you to live a life that is separate from the uncleanness of sin and the world, for these things can defile you and draw you away from me.

This principle of spiritual cleanliness is not simply about following rules and regulations. Rather, it is about having a heart that is devoted to me and seeking to honor me in all that you do by the power of the Holy Spirit. When you seek to live a life that is pure and pleasing to Me, you will experience the fullness of My love and grace, and you will be a light to those around you.

So, be vigilant in guarding your heart and mind from anything that could defile you spiritually. Avoid impure thoughts, words, and deeds, and seek the Holy Spirit to enable you to live a life that is pleasing to Me. When you do this, you will remain close to Me, and I will bless you with my presence and My peace.

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