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Saturday, May 13, 2023

May 13 -- "Embracing God's Justice"

 Today's Reading: Leviticus 19

"Embracing God's Justice"

Justice is a central aspect of who our God is. He is just and fair in all His dealings. Today’s verse remind us that He expects His children to treat others with the same sense of justice and fairness. This means that you should not show favoritism or bias towards anyone, regardless of their social status or wealth. You should always strive to be impartial and treat others with respect and dignity.

This verse speaks to the importance of justice and fairness in our interactions with others, especially in the context of legal proceedings. I encourage you to embrace these values and to apply them to your daily life.

Today’s verse instructs us not to do any injustice in court. This means we should not show favoritism or bias towards anyone, regardless of their social status or background. We should strive to be impartial and fair in all our interactions, especially when we are called upon to make judgments or decisions that affect others.

The passage also cautions us not to be partial to the poor or defer to the great. This means we should not show favoritism towards those who are less fortunate nor toward those who are in positions of power and influence. Instead, we should judge each person on the basis of their actions and character, not their social status or wealth or fame or appearance.

The LORD here calls us to judge our neighbor in righteousness. This means we should make judgments that are fair and just, guided by the principles of righteousness and God's laws, not human philosophies or personal opinions.

Know that our Lord’s justice and fairness are perfect and unchanging. As His followers, we must learn to trust in His justice, follow His laws, and apply that same justice and fairness in all our dealings with others.

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