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Monday, May 15, 2023

May 15 -- "Sanctify Him"

 Today's Reading: Leviticus 21

"Sanctify Him"

The word “sanctify” means to set apart as sacred; to consecrate; to dedicate. In today’s verse, the LORD calls upon the Israelites to set apart (sanctify) for God’s purposes the ministers and priests who serve among them.

The call to sanctification in Leviticus 21:8 applies to pastors and church leaders in the same way that it applied to Israel’s priests and ministers. As spiritual leaders of their congregations, pastors are responsible for leading and guiding their flocks in the ways of God. This involves teaching and preaching the Word of God (“offering the bread of your God”), providing pastoral care and counseling, and leading the congregation in worship and prayer.

To effectively carry out this important role, pastors must be set apart and consecrated for God's purposes. They must strive to live lives that reflect the character of Christ, pursuing holiness and righteousness in all that they do. This means avoiding behaviors and attitudes that are contrary to God's will and seeking to emulate the character of Christ in their relationships, their personal lives, and their ministries by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, pastors are called to be examples to their congregations, modeling what it means to live a life that is dedicated to God's service. This involves cultivating a deep and abiding personal relationship with God through prayer, worship, and the study of His Word, as well as seeking out opportunities to serve and minister to others.

Ultimately, the call to sanctification serves as a reminder to pastors that they are called to a higher standard of living than the average person. They are called to lead their congregations in the ways of God, and in order to do so effectively, they must be set apart and consecrated for His purposes. By pursuing sanctification, pastors can bring glory to God, inspire their congregations, and fulfill their calling to serve in His name.

Take a moment now to pray for the pastors and church leaders amongst you. Dedicate them to God and pray for His anointing upon their ministry.

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