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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

May 16 -- "God's Will: Your Sanctification"

 Today's Reading: Leviticus 22

"God's Will: Your Sanctification"

When the Lord declares, "I am the LORD who sanctifies you," He is reminding us of two things: (1) that it is His will for us to be sanctified (set apart); and (2) that He is the One who does the sanctifying. 

1 Thessalonians 4:3 tells us clearly, "For this is the will of God, your sanctification.” In this passage, the Apostle Paul is encouraging the believers in Thessalonica to live a life that is pleasing to God and set apart from sin. He emphasizes that God's will for their lives is that they be sanctified, or made holy and set apart for His purposes.

In the New Testament, the word "sanctification" comes from the Greek word "hagiasmos," which means to be made holy or consecrated for God's purposes. In other words, sanctification is the process of becoming more like Christ and living a life that is set apart from sin and the world and dedicated fully to God's will.

When Paul says that sanctification is the will of God, he is emphasizing that it is not an optional part of the Christian life. Rather, it is an essential part of our relationship with God and a key aspect of His plan for our lives.

Ultimately, sanctification is not something we can achieve on our own. It is a work of God's grace in our lives, as we yield ourselves to His will and allow Him to work in us by His Holy Spirit. “I am the LORD who sanctifies you.” As we seek to live a life that is set apart for God's purposes, we can trust that He will guide us and enable us to become the sanctified people He has called us to be.

Remember that sanctification is a process that takes time, but it is a journey that is well worth the effort. As you let the Holy Spirit have His way in you, He will see to it that you grow in holiness and love. By this transforming process you will become a shining example of Christ to those around you. You will be a blessing to others and a light in a dark world.

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