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Sunday, May 21, 2023

May 21 -- "The Promise of Increase"

Today's Reading: Leviticus 26 

"The Promise of Increase"

In these verses, God promises blessings to the Israelites if they obey His commandments and follow His ways. Specifically, He promises to give rain in due season, abundant harvests, and fruitful trees. These were important promises to the Israelites in the day it was written, as agriculture was their primary means of sustenance.

As a Christ-follower, we can understand these promises as being both physical and spiritual. God promises to provide for our physical needs, just as He did for the Israelites. He also promises to bless us spiritually, producing in us the fruit (e.g. peace and joy and power and love) that comes from being connected to Him.

God's desire for us as Christ-followers is to walk in His statutes and obey His commands. We can do this by reading and studying His Word, praying, and seeking to live a life that honors Him. As we do this, we will experience His blessings in our lives.

But it's important to remember that God's blessings are not earned by our good deeds. They are a gift of His grace and mercy. We should never seek to obey God's commands in order to earn His blessings, but rather out of love for Him and a desire to follow His ways.

These are not just empty words, but a promise of His presence with you. If you choose to walk in His ways and obey His will for your life, He will walk with you and be your God. He will be there for you in times of joy and in times of sorrow, and He will never leave you nor forsake you.

So I urge you, my child, to choose obedience and surrender to me. Let me be your God and walk with you on this journey of life. Trust in my promises and seek to follow my ways, knowing that I am with you always. As you do this, you will experience the fullness of my blessings and the joy that comes from being in a right relationship with me.

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