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Thursday, May 25, 2023

May 25 -- "Guardians of the Ministry"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 3:1-26

"Guardians of the Ministry"

Numbers 3:7 specifically outlines the role of the Levites in guarding the Tabernacle, the priests, and the congregation. This was an important responsibility, as the Tabernacle represented the presence of God among the people, and any mishandling or neglect of its upkeep could have serious consequences.

The Levites had the responsibility to guard over the priests who were serving in the Tabernacle. They did this by providing physical protection. They would set up a perimeter around the Tabernacle and make sure that no unauthorized person entered the area. This provided physical protection not only for the Tabernacle and its contents but also for the priests who were performing their duties inside. They also did this by assisting in the ministry and by providing logistical support which was critical to the priests' ability to perform their duties effectively, as they needed a stable and secure place to worship and make offerings to God.

We are not "Guardians of the Galaxy" but, like the Levites, we are called to guard the things of God in our lives. This includes our personal relationship with God, our involvement in our church community, our church leaders, our fellow believers, and our commitment to living a life that honors and glorifies God.

We are not to be apathetic or uncaring toward the things and people of God, but must take an active role in “guarding over” these things. We can do this by protecting our pastors and church leaders, assisting in the duties of ministry, and providing logistical support to ensure the worship and message of God go forth.

“Set up a perimeter” around your church and church leaders through daily fervent prayer, protecting them from spiritual attacks and enabling them to carry out their duties to minister to God’s people. Remember, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16)

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