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Friday, May 26, 2023

May 26 -- "Order, Cost, and Service"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 3:27-51

"Order, Cost, and Service"

Numbers 3:51 teaches us about God's order and structure, the cost of following Him, and the value of our service to Him.

The context of today’s verse is important to understanding its meaning. The Levites were set apart by God to serve Him in the Tabernacle, but they were not counted among the other tribes of Israel. Instead, they were counted separately and given specific duties to perform in service to God. The “redemption money” referred to in this verse was a payment made by the firstborn males of the other tribes to redeem themselves and their families from serving in the Tabernacle.

So what does this all mean for us as Christ-followers? First, we can see that God is a God of order and structure. He has specific plans and purposes for each of His followers, just as He had for the Levites. We may not all have the same roles or responsibilities, but we all have a part to play in His kingdom.

Second, we can see that there is a cost to following God. The redemption money paid by the firstborn males was a symbol of their commitment to God and their willingness to serve Him. As Christ-followers, we are also called to count the cost of following Him. It may require us to give up certain things, to sacrifice our time and resources, or even to suffer for His sake.

Finally, we can see that God values each of us and desires our service to Him. Just as the Levites were set apart for service in the Tabernacle, we are also set apart for service to God. He has given us unique gifts and talents to use for His glory, and He wants us to use them to the best of our ability.

Remember that your service to God is of great value. Just as the Levites were set apart for service in the Tabernacle, we too are set apart for service to God. Our service is a reflection of our love for Him and our desire to please Him. Let us strive to serve Him with excellence and with joy, knowing that we are making a difference in His kingdom.

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