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Monday, May 29, 2023

May 29 -- "When His Countenance Shines Upon You"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 6

"When His Countenance Shines Upon You"

Are you ready to receive a blessing that will change your life? Listen closely and receive the words of the Priestly Blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26, for they carry the power to transform your heart and your circumstances.

Based on Jewish tradition and customs, it is believed that the priests would have lifted their hands and extended them over the people as a sign of blessing as they imparted the words of this blessing to them. The practice of lifting hands over the people during the blessing was a symbolic gesture that represented the priests' intercession and mediation between God and the people. By extending their hands over the people, the priests were believed to be creating a conduit of divine strength and grace that flowed from God through them to the people.

For us as Christ-followers, this passage holds a powerful message. Just as God wanted to bless and keep the Israelites, He desires to do the same for us today. When we receive God's blessing, we experience His grace, love, and mercy in our lives. And just as the Israelites received God's protection and guidance, we too can rest in the knowledge that God is watching over us, keeping us safe and leading us on the path that He has set for us.

Our loving Heavenly Father wants us to understand that He desires to bless us and keep us. He wants to pour out His grace and mercy upon us, and to lead us on the path that He has set for us. When we receive God's blessing, we can experience His peace and joy in our lives, and we can rest in the knowledge that He is watching over us, keeping us safe and secure.

May the Lord bless you and keep you; and make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Receive it and accept the strength and grace that are flowing from His throne to you.

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