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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

May 3 -- "Ministering to the Ministers"

 Today's Reading: Leviticus 7

"Ministering to the Ministers"

While Leviticus 7:35 may seem like a specific instruction for a particular time and place and people, it does point to broader principles of worship and stewardship that are still relevant for modern-day Christ-followers. We are called to offer our resources to God with a heart of gratitude and worship, and to provide for those who are dedicated to serving Him.

In the context of the Old Testament, this meant providing for the priests and their families. In modern times, this may involve supporting missionaries, pastors, or other full-time ministers who have dedicated their lives to serving God and advancing his kingdom.

In Galatians 6:6, Paul says, "Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches." This verse encourages believers to share their resources with those who teach and minister to them, as a way of showing appreciation and support.

One way to provide for servants of God is through financial giving. This may involve giving to local churches, mission organizations, or other Christian ministries that support the work of full-time ministers. Financial support can help provide for the basic needs of those who serve, such as housing, food, and other necessities.

Another way to provide for servants of God is through prayer and encouragement. Full-time ministry can be a challenging and often isolating calling, and those who serve in this capacity can benefit greatly from the prayers and support of their fellow believers. Encouragement can also come in the form of words of affirmation and appreciation, which can help sustain and motivate those who serve.

In addition to financial support and encouragement, there are many practical ways to provide for the servants of God. This may involve volunteering time and skills to assist with ministry activities or projects, providing meals or transportation for those who serve, or offering other forms of practical support.

Ministering to God’s ministers (i.e. providing for those who serve God) is an important part of Christian discipleship and stewardship. As we seek to follow Christ and advance his kingdom, we should be mindful of the needs of those who are called to serve in full-time ministry and do our part to support and encourage them.

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