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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

May 30 -- "Accepting Their Offering"

Today's Reading: Numbers 7:1-29

"Accepting Their Offering"

As part of the dedication of the Tabernacle, each of the twelve tribal leaders was instructed to bring a wagon and an ox as an offering for the service of the Tabernacle.

This offering of wagons and oxen was a significant act of generosity and devotion on the part of the tribal leaders. It was not just a one-time gift, but an ongoing commitment to support the work of the Tabernacle and to honor God with their resources. In this way, they were demonstrating their willingness to offer themselves fully to God and to prioritize His purposes above their own.

God specifically instructs Moses to "accept" the offerings of the tribal leaders for the service of the Tabernacle. By doing so, God was affirming the importance of their gifts and showing that He valued their willingness to give. God wanted His people to understand that their offerings were not just a duty or obligation, but a privilege and a way of participating in His work and His purposes for their lives.

As Christ-followers, we are called to offer ourselves fully to God as well. This means surrendering our own desires, plans, and ambitions to His will and trusting in His guidance for our lives. It means recognizing that everything we have comes from God and using our resources, time, and talents in ways that honor and serve Him.

But offering ourselves fully to God goes beyond just our financial resources. It also means using our time, talents, and abilities in ways that serve and glorify Him. This might mean volunteering at a local ministry or non-profit, using our skills to serve others, or simply being available and willing to be used by God in whatever way He sees fit.

Ultimately, the example of the tribal leaders in Numbers 7:5 ESV reminds us that offering ourselves fully to God is an ongoing commitment that requires sacrifice, dedication, and a willingness to prioritize God's purposes above our own. As we seek to live out this calling in our own lives, we can trust that God will accept our sacrifices and use us to advance His kingdom in powerful ways.

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