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Monday, May 8, 2023

May 8 -- "Separated and Alone"

Today's Reading: Leviticus 13:31-59 

"Separated and Alone"

In ancient Israel, those who were diagnosed with leprosy were considered unclean and were required to live outside the camp, away from other people. This was to prevent the spread of the disease and to maintain the purity of the community.

Today’s passage describes the social isolation and exclusion that someone with leprosy experienced – “he shall live alone.” This can be seen as an illustration of the spiritual separation and disconnection that can result from sin.

In the Bible, there are several instances where leprosy is used as an illustration of sin (e.g. Isaiah 1:4-6). Leprosy was a serious, debilitating disease that could cause physical disfigurement and social isolation. This made lepers outcasts and prevented them from participating in the worship and social life of the community. Before they were allowed to return to the camp, they were required to undergo cleansing rituals and be declared “clean” by the priests, a declaration that their disease was cured.

Similarly, sin can also cause spiritual disfigurement and isolation. Sin separates us from God and from the community of believers. It can cause us to feel ashamed and alone and prevent us from experiencing the joy and fellowship of Christian community.

In the New Testament, Jesus healed many people who had leprosy, which symbolized His power to heal spiritual sickness and restore people to the community. Just as He healed the physical bodies of those with leprosy, he also heals the spiritual condition of those afflicted with sin who come to him in faith. 1 John 1:9 tells us, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  The good news for us is that we can be declared “clean” from our sin by our Great High Priest, Jesus Christ. Oh, what joy surrounds those whose disease of sin has been cured!

Your sin can have a significant impact on your relationships with other believers and on your ability to live in community with them. It is important to confess your sins to God and to those you have wronged, seek forgiveness, and strive to live lives that honor God and build up the community of believers.

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