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Friday, June 30, 2023

June 30 -- "Safe Haven"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 35

"Safe Haven"

In Numbers 35, God establishes a provision of justice and mercy for the Israelites by introducing the concept of cities of refuge. These cities were designated as safe havens, places where individuals who unintentionally caused the death of another could find protection from vengeance or wrongful punishment. God's design of the cities of refuge reveals His compassionate nature, ensuring that even in the midst of judgment, His mercy prevails.

In our journey through life, we may find ourselves in situations where unintended harm or consequences occur. These cities of refuge serve as a powerful illustration of God's desire to provide a place of safety and restoration for us. Just as He established physical cities for the Israelites, He has provided a spiritual refuge for us through Jesus Christ, our Safe Haven.

When we hurt others, whether through our words, actions, or choices, it is crucial to remember that God offers us forgiveness and a safe place to find solace and healing. It is in these moments that we are called to seek refuge in Him, confessing our mistakes, and finding comfort in His arms.

In the cities of refuge, we find not only protection but also restoration and redemption. As we walk in God's forgiveness and extend it to others, we will experience the beauty of His transformative work in our lives. Let us live as people who exemplify the grace and mercy we have received, pointing others to the ultimate refuge found in Christ alone.

Take a moment and offer the following prayer: “Heavenly Father, thank You for being our Refuge and Safe Haven in times of trouble. Teach us to run to You when we cause harm, finding forgiveness and healing in Your presence. Help us extend Your grace to others, showing them the love and compassion that You have shown us. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Thursday, June 29, 2023

June 29 -- "The Faithful Inheritance"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 34

"The Faithful Inheritance"

In today’s passage, we find a significant moment in the journey of the Israelites. The Lord commanded Moses to appoint leaders from each tribe to divide the Promised Land of Canaan as an inheritance for the people of Israel. The task at hand was no small feat. It required wisdom, integrity, hard work, and faithfulness to fulfill God's plan.

Just as God appointed leaders in the days of Moses, He still calls and equips leaders today. We may not be divvying up parcels of land, but we have been entrusted with spiritual stewardship. As followers of Christ, we are called to faithfully divide and distribute the inheritance of God's Word, love, and grace among His people.

First, we need to understand our inheritance in Christ. Through His death and resurrection, we have received forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life. We possess the abundant promises and blessings of God's kingdom. It is our privilege to share this "Promised Land" with others, revealing the hope found in Jesus.

Second, we must recognize our responsibility to faithfully “divide this inheritance.” We are called to rightly divide the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15), sharing it with clarity and accuracy. We should seek to discern the specific needs and struggles of those around us, offering words of encouragement, biblical counsel, prayer, and practical help. This, too, will require wisdom, integrity, hard work, and faithfulness to fulfill God's plan.

Let us remember that our primary task as followers of Christ is to faithfully distribute God's inheritance. May we be diligent in studying His Word, growing in intimacy with Him, and seeking the leading of the Holy Spirit. Let us invest in building relationships, demonstrating love and compassion, and walking alongside those who are in need.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June 28 -- "Barbs and Thorns"

Today's Reading: Numbers 33

"Barbs and Thorns"

In Numbers 33:55, we find a stern warning from God to the Israelites as they prepared to enter the Promised Land. God had commanded them to drive out the inhabitants of the land completely to avoid being influenced by their idolatrous practices. By allowing these nations to remain, the Israelites would face severe consequences, symbolized by the imagery of "barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides."

The metaphors of barbs and thorns suggest that allowing the pagan nations to remain would bring about continuous irritation, trouble, and suffering for the Israelites. It symbolizes the detrimental effects of compromise and disobedience to God's command to completely separate themselves from the idolatrous practices of the nations around them.

Just as the Israelites were called to separate themselves from the pagan nations surrounding them, we, as followers of Christ, are also called to live lives that are distinct from the values and practices of the world. Idolatry can take various forms today, including the pursuit of material possessions, the worship of self, or the idolizing of success and power. These idols, if allowed to remain in our lives, will hinder our spiritual growth and bring turmoil like barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides.

Let us take heed of the Lord's warning here and flee from idolatry in all its forms. We are called to be a holy people, set apart for God's purposes. It is not enough to merely acknowledge Jesus as our Savior; we must also surrender our lives completely to Him. This means examining our hearts and identifying any idols that may have taken residence within. Through prayer, seeking God, and the study of His Word, we can expose and uproot these idols, allowing Christ to reign supreme in our lives.

As we live in a world that constantly entices us with its idols, let us remember the words of the apostle John: "Little children, keep yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21 ESV). May we be vigilant in guarding our hearts and minds, seeking God's help to drive out anything that competes with His rightful place in our lives. By doing so, we will experience the freedom, joy, and peace that come from living in alignment with God's will.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

June 27 -- "Your Sin Will Find You Out"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 32

"Your Sin Will Find You Out"

In Numbers 32:23, Moses warns the tribes of Gad and Reuben about the consequences of failing to fulfill their commitment to help their fellow Israelites conquer the Promised Land. He emphasizes that their failure would not go unnoticed by the Lord. Moses makes it clear that sin, when left unchecked, will eventually be exposed. He reminds them that their actions have spiritual implications and that disobedience carries consequences.

The statement "your sin will find you out" carries a profound truth about the nature of sin and its consequences. Sin is not something that can be hidden indefinitely or swept under the rug. No matter how skillfully we may try to conceal our wrongdoings, there is an inherent principle in God’s universe that brings sin to light.

Firstly, we need to recognize that God is omniscient and all-seeing. He knows every detail of our lives, including the hidden motives of our hearts. Our attempts to hide our sins from Him are futile. The psalmist reminds us in Psalm 90:8, "You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence." Nothing escapes God's notice.

Furthermore, sin carries its own consequences. It often creates a ripple effect that impacts not only the sinner but also those around him or her. Our actions have a way of unraveling over time, revealing the true nature of our hearts. Eventually, the truth comes to light, and the consequences of our sins become evident.

Additionally, living in the bondage of hidden sin can rob us of peace, joy, and intimacy with God. It creates a barrier between us and Him, hindering our spiritual growth and hindering our ability to experience the fullness of His blessings. Unconfessed sin festers within us, creating guilt, shame, and a sense of separation from God's presence.

Therefore, let us not deceive ourselves into thinking we can hide our sins or that they will go unnoticed. Instead, let us choose to live lives of integrity and transparency before God and others. As followers of Christ, we are called to walk in the light, allowing the truth of God's Word to illuminate our paths and guide our actions.

Monday, June 26, 2023

June 26 -- "Memorializing God's Provision"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 31:25-54

"Memorializing God's Provision"

In today’s passage, we find the Israelites returning from a victorious battle against the Midianites. After the battle, Moses and Eleazar the priest received an offering of gold from the commanders as a token of their gratitude and devotion to the Lord. This gold was then brought into the tent of meeting and placed before the Lord as a memorial.

By placing the gold in the tent of meeting, it signified that this offering was not just a personal gesture, but an acknowledgment of God's involvement in the battle. It was a way for the Israelite military leaders to publicly express their gratitude and to remind themselves and future generations of God's provision and faithfulness.

In our own lives, we often face battles and challenges. These battles may not be physical conflicts like the one faced by the Israelites, but they are spiritual in nature, battling against the spiritual forces of darkness. It is crucial for us to remember in the midst of our battles that God provides for us and it is He who will give us decisive victory over our enemy.

Just as the Israelites offered their gold as a token of their gratitude and devotion, we too should offer our hearts and lives to God. Our offerings may not be physical gold, but they can be a surrender of our desires, fears, and ambitions. When we place our trust in God and give ourselves fully to Him, we acknowledge His provision and sovereignty in our lives.

Expressing gratitude for God's faithfulness, provision, and blessings in our lives is a powerful form of memorial. We can offer prayers of thanksgiving, songs of praise, or simply spend time reflecting on and acknowledging God's goodness.

In times of victory, let us express our gratitude to God by giving Him our best. In times of hardship, let us trust in His provision and lean on Him for strength. May our lives become a living memorial, testifying to God's faithfulness and goodness.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

June 25 -- "Purified by Fire and Water"

Today's Reading: Numbers 31:1-24


"Purified by Fire and Water"

In Numbers 31, we find the Israelites engaged in battle with the Midianites. After their victory, Moses instructs the people regarding the spoils of war. The Lord commands them to make the captured items fit for use through purification by fire and water. This process of purification symbolizes God's desire for His people to be cleansed and sanctified, both externally and internally.

As believers in Christ, we are called to be set apart, holy vessels for God's use. The process of purification described in Numbers 31 holds valuable lessons for us today. First, passing through the fire represents the refining work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Just as gold is purified by fire, God uses various trials and challenges to refine our character, burn away impurities, and strengthen our faith. It is in the midst of these fiery trials that we are refined and made more like Christ.

Secondly, passing through the water represents the cleansing power of God's Word. The Apostle Paul alludes to this in Ephesians 5:26, “...that He might sanctify her [the Church], having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word." The water of the Word washes away the defilement of sin and renews our minds. As we daily immerse ourselves in Scripture, meditate on its truths, and allow it to convict and guide us, we experience the purifying work of God's Spirit within us.

It is so important that we embrace the process of purification. It may be uncomfortable and challenging, but remember that God's desire is for us to be vessels fit for His use. When trials come, let us trust in His faithfulness and rely on His strength to refine us. And as we engage with His Word, let us be diligent in seeking its cleansing power, allowing it to shape our thoughts, actions, and attitudes.

May we continually surrender ourselves to the cleansing fire of the Holy Spirit and the purifying water of God's Word. "Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the Master of the house, ready for every good work." (2 Timothy 2:21) Let us persevere in the process, knowing that through it, we are being transformed into vessels of honor, ready for the Master’s service. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

June 24 -- "Promise Keepers"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 30

"Promise Keepers"

In Numbers 30:2, the Lord instructs the Israelites regarding the importance of honoring their vows and oaths made before Him. God emphasized the seriousness of their words, emphasizing that once a vow or oath was made, it must be fulfilled without delay or compromise. The Lord wanted His people to understand the significance of keeping their promises and remaining faithful to their commitments.

In a world where promises are easily broken and commitments are often disregarded, the Lord calls us to a higher standard. As followers of Christ, we should be known for our integrity and trustworthiness. Our words should hold weight and our commitments should be steadfast.

Whether it is a promise made to God, to others, or even to ourselves, we are called to fulfill it. This includes honoring our marriage vows, keeping our word in business agreements, and fulfilling our responsibilities in various areas of life. When we are faithful to our commitments, we reflect the character of God and demonstrate His faithfulness to the world around us.

Let us be people of our word, just as the Lord expects of us. Today, examine your commitments and promises. Have you neglected or failed to fulfill what you promised? If so, take steps to rectify the situation and make things right. Seek forgiveness where necessary and ask God for the strength to honor your commitments going forward.

Remember, our faithfulness in keeping our word has a profound impact on our relationships, our witness as Christians, and our personal growth. Let us be known as men and women of integrity, whose actions align with our words. As you interact with others, “let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No,'” (James 5:12), following through on your commitments with excellence.

Above all, rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to help you remain faithful in honoring your commitments. Lean on God's grace and strength, knowing that He is faithful to equip and empower you. By doing so, you will not only bring glory to God but also inspire those around you to embrace a life marked by integrity and steadfastness.

Friday, June 23, 2023

June 23 -- "Faithful Communication in a Conflicting World"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 29

"Faithful Communication in a Conflicting World"

Here we find Moses obediently relaying the Lord's instructions to the children of Israel regarding the offerings they were to present during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Lord had given precise instructions for the burnt offerings, grain offerings, and drink offerings to be made on each of the seven days of the feast. Moses faithfully communicated these commands without omitting a single detail, exemplifying his unwavering commitment to fulfilling God's will.

Moses' obedience and dedication to accurately communicating God's instructions hold valuable lessons for us today. Just as Moses conveyed the Lord's words without alteration, we too are called to faithfully transmit God's Word to those around us. As followers of Christ, we have the incredible privilege and deep responsibility of sharing the unchanging truths of Scripture with others.

We live in a time where there is a great need for accurate teaching and faithful communication of God's Word. In a world filled with diverse opinions and conflicting messages, our responsibility as believers is to share the unadulterated truth of the Gospel. We must approach the task of spreading God's Word with the same reverence and commitment that Moses demonstrated.

Let us be inspired by Moses' obedience and dedication. May we diligently study the Scriptures, allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us, so that we can accurately communicate the truths of God's Word to those around us. As we engage in conversations, Bible studies, or even casual interactions, let us be mindful of the weight of our words.

As you go about your day, remember that you are entrusted with the precious task of sharing God's Word. Stay rooted in the Scriptures, seeking understanding and wisdom from the Lord. Dedicate yourself to accurately communicating His truths, and trust that the Holy Spirit will work through you to bring about transformation in the lives of those who hear.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

June 22 -- "Pentecost: The Feast of Weeks"

Today's Reading: Numbers 28 

"Pentecost: The Feast of Weeks"

Today’s passage introduces us to the Feast of Weeks, also known as Pentecost. This feast occurred 50 days after the offering of the firstfruits during the Passover season. It was a time of celebration and thanksgiving for God's provision, particularly the harvest of wheat. The Feast of Weeks held both agricultural and spiritual significance, reminding the Israelites of God's faithfulness and their dependence on Him. The term "Pentecost" is derived from the Greek word "PentÄ“kostÄ“," meaning "fiftieth," as it falls on the fiftieth day after the Passover Sabbath.

In the New Testament, the Feast of Weeks takes on a deeper meaning. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the early believers, empowering and equipping them for their mission to spread the Gospel. This marked the birth of the Church, and Pentecost became a commemoration of the outpouring of the Spirit and the harvest of souls.

As followers of Christ today, we can apply the principles of the Feast of Weeks to our lives. We should celebrate and express gratitude for God's provision and faithfulness. We can also recognize the vital role of the Holy Spirit in empowering us for service and proclaiming the Good News to others. Just as the early believers were commissioned to go and make disciples, we too are called to share the message of salvation.

Let us remember the significance of the Feast of Weeks and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In our celebration, let us honor God as the ultimate source of provision in our lives. Take time to express gratitude for His faithfulness, acknowledging that every good and perfect gift comes from Him.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

June 21 -- "Laying on of Hands"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 27

"Laying on of Hands"

Numbers 27:18 reveals a powerful act that carries deep significance—laying on of hands. When God instructed Moses to lay his hands on Joshua, it symbolized the impartation of authority, anointing, and blessing. This act represented a transfer of leadership and invoked the presence and power of the Holy Spirit upon Joshua's life. Joshua, of course, was chosen to succeed Moses because of the leadership qualities he practiced and the noticeable presence of the Holy Spirit within his life.

In the New Testament, we see the practice of laying on of hands continuing as a means of imparting spiritual gifts, healing, commissioning, and consecration. As believers, we can participate in this practice with reverence and expectation. We can lay hands on others in prayer, identifying with them and invoking God's power and grace upon their lives.

Today, consider the opportunities to lay hands on others. It may be during times of intercession when praying for healing, guidance, or breakthrough. It could also be during a time of commissioning or consecration, as you recognize someone's calling or appoint them to a specific task in God's kingdom.

Let us not underestimate the significance and power of laying on of hands. When we lay hands on others, we are participating in a divine act that connects us to God's authority and invites His intervention. It is an act of faith, acknowledging our dependence on Him and trusting in His ability to work through us.

Today, be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit as you consider the opportunities to lay hands on and pray for others. Allow God to work through you, knowing that His power and presence are released when we act in obedience. May you experience the transformative work of the Spirit as you participate in this sacred practice.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

June 20 -- "God's Faithful Fulfillment"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 26:35-65

"God's Faithful Fulfillment"

Today’s reading captures a significant moment in Israel's history as they prepared to enter the Promised Land. The Lord commanded Moses to allocate the land for inheritance among the tribes based on their population. This verse emphasizes God's faithfulness in fulfilling His promises to His people.

This verse reminds us of the faithfulness of God in our lives today. Just as He allocated the land for inheritance to each tribe, He also has a unique plan and purpose for each one of us. We can draw several key applications from this passage.

First, trust in God's provision. Just as He promised to provide land for His people, He promises to provide "spiritual land" for us. In times of uncertainty or lack, we can trust in His faithfulness and rely on His provision, knowing that He is a God who keeps His word.

Second, embrace your individual calling. Just as each tribe received a unique portion of the land, we have been uniquely gifted and called by God. He has allocated “spiritual land” specifically to you where you can experience His presence and discover purpose for your life. Embrace the specific purpose and plan He has for your life, knowing that He has placed you where you are for a reason.

Let us anchor our faith in the unchanging nature of God's promises. Regardless of the challenges we may face, remember that God is faithful to fulfill what He has spoken over our lives. Take hold of His promises with confidence, knowing that He is a God who honors His word.

As you journey through life,  trust in His provision and guidance. Seek His will and surrender to His leading, allowing Him to direct your steps. Just as He faithfully divided the land among the tribes, He will guide and provide for you as He leads you to your individual “promised land”.

Monday, June 19, 2023

June 19 -- "Census of the New Generation"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 26:1-34

"Census of the New Generation"

God is omniscient. He has complete knowledge of all things. He already knew how many Israelites there were. So, why did He instruct Moses to conduct a census? While we cannot fully comprehend God's motives or intentions, there are a few possible reasons for God's instruction:

Practical and organizational purposes: Conducting a census would provide a tangible and practical means of organizing and preparing the Israelites for their journey and the challenges they would face. From a human perspective, a census would provide valuable information for effective planning and leadership.

Teaching lessons and reinforcing trust: God often used specific commands and actions to teach His people important lessons and to reinforce their trust and obedience. The census served as a means to teach the Israelites about their identity as God's chosen people.

As markers of their progress: The censuses also had symbolic or prophetic significance. The first census marked the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham regarding the numerous descendants he would have (Genesis 15:5). The second census, conducted after the forty years of wandering, marked the fulfillment of God's judgment on the previous generation and the preparation of the new generation to enter the Promised Land.

Ultimately, the specific reasons behind God's instructions regarding the census remain somewhat mysterious. It's important to remember that God's actions and commands are not always fully explained in the Biblical text. And, quite often, His purposes for us as Christ followers are not fully explained in our lives. They are part of His divine plan and wisdom, which surpass our human understanding. Isaiah 55:8-9 states, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.’

This passage in Isaiah emphasizes the vast difference between God's wisdom, understanding, and ways compared to our limited human perspectives. It serves as a reminder that God's ways are beyond our comprehension and that His plans and purposes often diverge from our own expectations or understanding. This encourages humility, trust, and reliance on God's wisdom rather than solely relying on our own limited understanding.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 18 -- "The Promised Star and Scepter"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 24 & 25

"The Promised Star and Scepter"

In this particular verse, Balaam prophesied about a future figure who would emerge from the nation of Israel. The "star" and "scepter" symbolize a powerful ruler, suggesting a significant leader or king who would arise from the lineage of Jacob. This prophecy is a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, who was born as a descendant of Jacob.

For the ancient Israelites, this prophecy provided hope and assurance. It spoke of a future Messianic figure who would bring salvation, establish a kingdom, and lead the people of God. This promise reminded them that God had a plan and purpose for their nation, even amidst challenges and struggles. It encouraged them to remain faithful to God and trust in His promises.

The star symbolizes the prominence and uniqueness of the future leader. It points to Jesus Christ, who is referred to as the "bright morning star" (Revelation 22:16). Later on, Jesus' birth would be accompanied by the appearance of a special star that guided the magi to find Him (Matthew 2:1-2).

The "scepter" is a symbol of authority and rulership. It is a staff or rod held by a king or ruler, signifying their power and sovereignty. In the context of the prophecy, the scepter represents the leadership and dominion that the future ruler from Israel would possess. Jesus Christ fulfills this role as the Messianic King who exercises divine authority over all creation. In the New Testament, Jesus is described as the "King of kings" (Revelation 19:16) and the one to whom all authority has been given (Matthew 28:18).

This verse reminds you of the hope and assurance you have in Christ. It points to Jesus as the ultimate ruler and authority in your life. As you follow Him, you can trust that He will guide and lead you. Just as the ancient Israelites found hope in this prophecy, you can find encouragement knowing that God has a plan and purpose for your life, even amidst challenges and uncertainties.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

June 17 -- "The Trustworthy God: Unchanging and True"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 23

"The Trustworthy God: Unchanging and True"

Today’s amazing words, spoken by Balaam, served as a reminder to the Israelites that God's promises are reliable and trustworthy. They emphasized the unchanging nature of God and His commitment to fulfill what He had spoken. In the context of the narrative, these words reassured the Israelites that no matter the opposition they faced, God would protect and bless them according to His plan.

These words reaffirm the core character of God, emphasizing that He is not like humans who may lie or change their minds. This truth is repeated many times in the Bible, including Hebrews 6:18, which states, “it is impossible for God to lie.” God's words are sure, and His promises are steadfast. This verse encourages believers to trust in God's faithfulness and rely on His unchanging nature.

In practical terms, this verse should inspire Christians to have unwavering faith in God's promises. It calls for a steadfast belief that what God has spoken, He will bring to pass. It invites us to anchor our lives on the truth of God's Word and live with confidence in His unchanging nature.

Let us hold fast to the truth revealed here, that our God is a God of unwavering faithfulness. In a world filled with uncertainties and shifting circumstances, we can find solace in His unchanging nature. Let us trust in His promises and stand firm on His Word. Despite the challenges we face, remember that God is not a man who lies or changes His mind. He remains steadfast, and His plans for us are sure.

In our daily lives, let us live with the confidence that God will fulfill what He has spoken. Let us rely on His guidance and wisdom, knowing that His promises will never fail. May our faith be unwavering, our trust unshakable, and our hope secure in the unchanging God we serve.

Friday, June 16, 2023

June 16 -- "Fidelity to God's Word"

Today's Reading: Numbers 22:22-41 

"Fidelity to God's Word"

Balaam’s declaration that "The word that God puts in my mouth, that must I speak" conveys a profound commitment to upholding and faithfully proclaiming only the truth revealed by God. The word we use to describe this unwavering adherence to God’s word is “fidelity," the degree of exactness with which something is copied or reproduced. Our fidelity is expressed in several ways, including:

Uncompromising Faithfulness: Just as Balaam recognized the necessity of speaking only what God had given him to say, fidelity to God's Word requires unwavering dedication to the Bible’s teachings and principles. It means embracing the entirety of Scripture as God's inspired and authoritative Word, without diluting or distorting its message to suit personal preferences or societal trends.

Rejecting Distortions: Fidelity to God's Word also entails guarding against the introduction of human interpretations or cultural influences that may compromise its truth. It means valuing the integrity and accuracy of Scripture, interpreting it within its proper context, and resisting the temptation to reinterpret or alter its teachings to fit prevailing ideologies.

Alignment with God's Truth: Fidelity to God's Word necessitates aligning our beliefs, values, and actions with His divine principles. It requires submitting our own desires, opinions, and agendas to the authority of Scripture, allowing it to shape our worldview, guide our decisions, and transform our lives.

Proclaiming the Gospel: Fidelity means conveying the message of salvation through Jesus Christ and proclaiming the love, grace, and redemption found only in Him. Fidelity to God's Word compels us to faithfully communicate the gospel's transformative power without compromise or distortion.

Tragically, much of modern Christianity has strayed far from the principle of fidelity by practicing selective Bible interpretation which has led to a distortion of the overall message of the Bible as certain teachings or moral principles are emphasized or de-emphasized based on personal preferences or cultural influences.

Fidelity to God's Word requires a comprehensive and balanced approach to Biblical interpretation, taking into account the entire counsel of Scripture. As modern-day Christ followers, fidelity to God's Word should be our steadfast commitment. Let us embrace the Bible as the ultimate authority for faith and life, seeking its wisdom and guidance in every aspect of our existence. 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

June 15 -- "You Can't Curse What God Has Blessed"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 22:1-21

"You Can't Curse What God Has Blessed"

This verse is part of the account of Balaam, a non-Israelite prophet who was summoned by Balak, the king of Moab, to curse the Israelites. The Israelites were journeying through the wilderness towards the Promised Land. King Balak, fearing their growing numbers and military strength, sought to hinder their progress by having Prophet Balaam curse them. However, when Balaam inquired of God, the Lord instructed him not to go with King Balak's messengers and not to curse the Israelites because they were a blessed people.

This verse carries important lessons for modern-day Christ followers. Firstly, it reminds us of the power of God's blessing. Just as the Israelites were blessed by God, so are believers in Jesus Christ. As Christians, we have been blessed with forgiveness, salvation, the Holy Spirit, and the promise of eternal life. This blessing should fill us with gratitude and remind us that we are under the protection of our loving Heavenly Father, who will not permit our enemy to prosper over us.

Secondly, Numbers 22:12 teaches us about the importance of seeking God's guidance and obeying His instructions. Prophet Balaam initially desired to go with King Balak's messengers for personal gain, but he was instructed by God not to do so. Similarly, as Christians, we should seek God's will in every aspect of our lives. We must be willing to listen to His voice, follow His guidance, and align our actions with His Word.

It is vitally important that we recognize and appreciate the blessings we have received through our faith in Jesus Christ. Remember that our lives are marked by God's favor and that we are called to be a blessing to others. Seek God's guidance earnestly, allowing His Word and the Holy Spirit to shape our decisions and actions. Let obedience to God's commands be the foundation of our lives, and may our thoughts, words, and deeds reflect the love and righteousness of Christ.

In a world that often promotes self-centeredness, materialism, and moral relativism, let us be lights that shine with the truth and grace of the Gospel. Through our words and actions, let us point others to the blessings found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. May we be known as a people who walk in obedience to God's will, exemplifying His love, compassion, and justice in our interactions with others.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June 14 -- "Look and be Healed"

Today's Reading: Numbers 21 

"Look and be Healed"

The Israelites were grumbling against God and Moses because they were tired of the journey and the food. As a result, God sent venomous snakes to bite them, and many of them died. When the people cried out for help, God instructed Moses to create a bronze serpent and put it on a pole. Anyone who looked at the serpent after being bitten would be healed and live.

The healing of the Israelites from the snake bites was supernatural and beyond human capabilities. The venom of the snakes was deadly, and there was no known cure for it at the time. However, when the Israelites looked at the bronze serpent on the pole, they were healed immediately. There was no actual power in the bronze serpent itself. This healing could only have been accomplished through the power of God.

This event is significant because it is a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ's death on the cross. Jesus Himself refers to it in John 3:14-15, "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life." Jesus is the "bronze serpent" on the pole, and just as the Israelites looked to the serpent and were healed, we can look to Jesus and be saved from our sin.

The healing of the Israelites from the snake bites was a physical representation of the spiritual healing that comes from believing in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross.

For modern-day Christ followers, this reminds us of God's power to save and heal. We are all bitten by the venom of sin, but if we look to Jesus, we can be saved and have eternal life. It also reminds us of the importance of faith and obedience. The Israelites had to look at the serpent to be healed, just as we must look to Jesus in faith to be saved.

So, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Let us trust in Him for salvation and turn away from sin. Look to Him and be saved!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

June 13 -- "When Frustration Leads to Disobedience"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 19 & 20

"When Frustration Leads to Disobedience"

This verse refers to an incident that took place during the Israelites' journey through the wilderness. The people were thirsty and complained to Moses and Aaron about the lack of water. God instructed Moses to take his staff and speak to a rock, and water would come out for the people to drink. However, instead of speaking to the rock, Moses struck it with his staff. Twice. Water still came out, but God was displeased with Moses' disobedience.

It is possible that Moses was feeling frustrated or overwhelmed by the constant complaints and disobedience of the Israelites. Moses' frustration and anger towards the Israelites may have contributed to his actions, detracting from his ability to accurately portray God's attitude of patience, mercy, and love towards His people. Psalm 106:32-33 describes this incident as a "rebellion" and attributes the punishment of Moses and Aaron to their failure to "show God's holiness."

The application of this verse in its original context is clear: God expects obedience and faithfulness from His leaders, and disobedience has consequences. Moses' disobedience resulted in him being unable to enter the Promised Land, and Aaron also suffered consequences for his involvement.

In modern-day life, the principle of obedience and faithfulness still applies. Christians are called to obey God's commands and follow His will, even when we are frustrated and when His will is difficult or unpopular. The consequences of disobedience may not be as immediate or dramatic as they were for Moses and Aaron, but they still exist. Disobedience can damage our relationships with God and others, hinder our spiritual growth, and lead us away from the blessings that God has in store for us

In short, disobedience can keep us from "entering the promised land" – that place of spiritual rest, peace, and abundance that God has promised to His faithful followers.

Therefore, Christians should seek to be faithful and obedient to God in all aspects of their lives. This means seeking His will, yielding to the Holy Spirit, and following His commands, even when it requires sacrifice or going against popular opinion. By doing so, we can experience the blessings that come from living in accordance with God's plan for our lives.

#Bible #God #WordOfGod #Moses #Disobedience #Obedience #Faithfulness #Christian #SpiritualGrowth #PromisedLand

Monday, June 12, 2023

June 12 -- "Tithe of the Tithe"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 18

"Tithe of the Tithe"

The "tithe of the tithe" mentioned in Numbers 18:26 ESV is a portion of the tithe that the Levites were required to present to the Lord. The Levites were the recipients of the Lord’s tithe (or a tenth) of the produce and livestock that the people of Israel brought to the Tabernacle as an offering to God. This tithe was their inheritance and was intended to provide for their needs as they served in the Tabernacle.

However, the Levites were not exempt from giving back to God. They were required to present a tithe of the tithe (a second tithe) of what they received from the Israelites as a contribution to the Lord. This second tithe (tenth) was given to the high priest and used for the service of the Tabernacle.

The "tithe of the tithe" was an important reminder to the Levites that everything they received ultimately came from God and belonged to Him. It was a way of acknowledging God's provision and sovereignty over their lives and their ministry. It is also a reminder to Christian pastors, missionaries, church workers and ministry workers that they are not exempt from giving back to God a portion of that which He has blessed them with.

As a Christ-follower, the principle of the "tithe of the tithe" reminds us that everything we have ultimately comes from God and belongs to Him. We are called to be good stewards of what God has given us, including our finances, and to give back to Him a portion of what we receive. The principle of the "tithe of the tithe" also emphasizes the importance of supporting those who are dedicated to serving God and advancing His kingdom, whether that be our local church or other ministries.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

June 11 -- "Buds, Blossoms, and Almonds"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 17

"Buds, Blossoms, and Almonds"

A dispute had arisen among the people of Israel. Some were questioning the authority of Aaron and his priestly line and believed that they too should be allowed to perform priestly duties. The dispute over Aaron's priesthood caused a significant disturbance among the Israelites.

So, God told Moses to settle the dispute by gathering twelve staffs, one from the leader of each of the twelve tribes of Israel and write the name of each tribe on their staffs. Then Moses was to place the staffs in the Tent of Meeting before the ark of the covenant, and the staff belonging to the man whom God had chosen would sprout.

The next day, when Moses went into the Tent of Meeting, he found that Aaron's staff had not only sprouted, but it had also budded, blossomed, and produced almonds. This miracle was seen as a sign confirming that God had chosen Aaron and his descendants to be the priests of Israel.

The story of the dispute over Aaron's priesthood teaches us several valuable lessons about finding our own purpose and not disputing God's choices. Firstly, it reminds us that God has a specific purpose for each of us, just as He had a specific purpose for Aaron and his descendants. Instead of comparing ourselves to others or seeking to take on roles that are not meant for us, we should seek to discern God's plan for our lives and to follow Him with obedience and trust.

Secondly, the story of the dispute over Aaron's priesthood teaches us the danger of questioning God's choices and seeking to undermine His authority. When Korah, Dathan, and Abiram challenged the priesthood of Aaron, they were not only challenging the authority of Aaron and Moses, but they were also challenging God's chosen plan for Israel. This ultimately led to their downfall and serves as a warning to us not to question God's wisdom and sovereignty.

Instead, we should seek to submit ourselves to God's plan and to trust that He knows what is best for us. We can find our purpose and fulfill it by seeking God's will for our own lives and not by disputing His calling for another person’s life.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

June 10 -- "Unhealthy Ambition"

Today's Reading: Numbers 16 

"Unhealthy Ambition"

The story of Korah and his followers in Numbers 16 illustrates the dangers of discontentment and unhealthy ambition. Korah and his group were Levites who had been given the responsibility of serving in the Tabernacle, a position of honor and privilege within the community. However, they became discontented with their role and began to challenge the authority of Moses and Aaron, ultimately leading a rebellion against them.

Their discontentment was fueled by a desire for more power and influence within the community, and a belief that they deserved greater recognition for their service to God. However, their rebellion ultimately resulted in their own destruction, as God judged them for their disobedience and rebellion.

In today’s verse, Moses is essentially asking them if it is not enough that God has chosen them for this special role and allowed them to serve in the Tabernacle. By questioning the authority of Moses and Aaron, they are also questioning the authority of God, who appointed them to their positions.

This story serves as a warning against the dangers of discontentment and the pursuit of power and recognition at the expense of obedience to God and respect for legitimate authority. As Christ-followers, we are called to be content with what God has given us, and to trust in His timing and plan for our lives. We are also called to submit to the authority of those whom God has placed over us, whether it be in our families, workplaces, or churches.

When we become discontented and begin to question the authority of those in leadership, we run the risk of falling into the same trap as Korah and his followers. We may become blinded by our own ambition for power and recognition and lose sight of the greater goal of serving God and advancing His kingdom.

Instead, we should seek to cultivate a spirit of contentment and humility, recognizing that all we have and all we are comes from God. We should also seek to honor and respect those in leadership over us, trusting that God has placed them there for a purpose and seeking to serve Him through our obedience to their authority. As the Apostle Paul said in 1 Timothy 6:6, "But godliness with contentment is great gain.”

Friday, June 9, 2023

June 9 -- "The Eternal God"

 Today's Reading: Psalm 90

"The Eternal God"

Psalm 90 is a prayerful meditation on the eternal nature of God and the fleeting nature of human life. It is one of the oldest Psalms in the Bible (probably the first one), and is attributed to Moses, making it the only Psalm in the collection to have an author from the Pentateuch era.

The Psalm begins by acknowledging God's infinite nature and His role as our dwelling place throughout all generations. It then contrasts God's eternity with the brevity of human life, emphasizing how quickly our days pass by and the frailty of our existence. In this way, the Psalm calls us to reflect on the transient nature of our lives, and to turn our hearts towards God who alone can provide us with a firm foundation and a meaningful purpose.

The phrase "before the mountains were brought forth" in verse 2 emphasizes God's pre-existence, highlighting the fact that God was present even before the natural world as we know it (time, space, matter) was created. This points to God's divine existence and emphasizes the fact that He is not bound by time or space in the way that we are.

The phrase "from everlasting to everlasting" reinforces this idea of God's eternal nature, emphasizing that He has always existed and will continue to exist forever. This highlights the fact that God is not subject to the limitations of time and space that we are, and that He is the ultimate source of stability, purpose, and security in a world that is constantly changing.

As the Psalm progresses, it shifts from reflection to prayer, asking God to teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. The Psalmist acknowledges our sinfulness and asks for God's mercy and favor, knowing that our hope is found in Him alone.

In many ways, Psalm 90 is a sobering reminder of our mortality and the importance of living each day with purpose and intention. It encourages us to turn our hearts towards God and to seek His mercy and grace in all circumstances. Despite the challenges and uncertainties of life, the Psalm reminds us that God is our refuge and our strength, and that in Him we can find joy, hope, purpose, and security.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

June 8 -- "When Mistakes Happen"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 15

"When Mistakes Happen"

Sin is often referred to as a “mistake” in the Bible when it is unintentional or done in ignorance. Sin can also be a deliberate choice to disobey God's commands, and in such cases, it is not a mistake but a willful act of rebellion.

In Numbers 15, God gave the Israelites instructions on how to be forgiven for their unintentional sins. If someone sinned unintentionally, they were required to bring a bull as a sin offering, along with a grain offering and a drink offering. The priest would then offer a sacrifice for the person's sin, and they would be forgiven.

The Israelites were a people who were prone to sin, just like we are. They needed to be reminded of their need for atonement and forgiveness. This process of offering a sacrifice for unintentional sins was meant to show them that sin has consequences even if it is not deliberate, and that forgiveness and restoration are only possible through the shedding of blood.

Even as Christians we still make mistakes and often sin unintentionally. We fall short of God's standard of holiness. But the good news is that we can still come to God for forgiveness and atonement. It's important to remember that sin, whether intentional or unintentional, separates us from God and has serious consequences. As Christians, we are called to turn away from sin and pursue righteousness. In 1 John 1:9, it says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

The joy of being forgiven for our mistakes is truly indescribable. When we acknowledge our sins and come to God with a repentant heart, asking for His forgiveness, we experience a sense of relief and freedom that is unlike anything else. It's like a weight has been lifted off our shoulders, and we can breathe easier knowing that we have been cleansed of our wrongdoing.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

June 7 -- "A Different Spirit"

Today's Reading: Numbers 14 

"A Different Spirit"

In today’s verse, God describes Caleb as having a "different spirit" and as being someone who "has followed me fully." This statement was made in the context of the Israelites' rebellion against God and their refusal to enter the promised land after the spies' report. While the majority of the spies brought back a negative report, Caleb and Joshua were the only two who believed that God would give them the land and urged the people to trust in God's power.

Caleb's "different spirit" is a reference to his unwavering faith and devotion to God. He had a uniquely deep trust in God's promises and was not swayed by the negative reports or the fear of the people. It is likely that Caleb's "different spirit" was the result of his close relationship with God. Throughout his life, Caleb had cultivated a deep trust in God and had demonstrated unwavering faith and obedience to His will.

This "different spirit" that Caleb possessed is something that modern-day Christ-followers can also aspire to. We too can choose to go contrary to the crowd and have a deep trust in God's promises and an unwavering faith in His power. In a world that is often marked by fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, we can choose to have a different spirit that is grounded in the truth of God's Word.

As Christ-followers, we are called to follow God fully and to pursue His will for our lives with all of our hearts. We can learn from Caleb's example of faithfulness and devotion to God and strive to have a "different spirit" that ignores “public sentiment” but instead is grounded in trust, faith, and obedience to God's Word.

Have you prayed for and cultivated a Caleb-like close relationship with God that produces this kind of different spirit in you? If not, do it now.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

June 6 -- "We Are Well Able"

Today's Reading: Numbers 13 

"We Are Well Able"

This verse follows the account of the twelve spies that Moses sent to scout out the land of Canaan. Ten of the spies brought back a negative report, causing the Israelites to lose faith in God's promise to give them the land. However, Caleb, along with Joshua, by faith believed that God was with them and that they were able to overcome the obstacles in their path.

The lesson that we can learn from this verse is that faith and trust in God are essential for us as Christ-followers. Just like Caleb and Joshua, we may face challenges and obstacles in our lives that seem insurmountable. However, if we trust in God's promises and believe that He is with us, we can overcome those challenges and achieve great things for His kingdom. Caleb knew that having the Lord on their side meant that they were “well able” to overcome the difficulties that lie ahead.

Furthermore, we should not be swayed by the negative reports and opinions of those around us, but rather remain focused on God's promises and His will for our lives. We should be like Caleb, who quieted the people and encouraged them to have faith in God's promises. As Christ-followers, we should also encourage and uplift those around us, helping them to see the truth of God's promises and the power of His presence in their lives. Having the Lord on our side means we are “well able” to overcome all of the challenges of this life.

A word from the Lord…  “My dear child, do not be afraid of the challenges that lie before you, for I am with you always. Trust in Me and believe in My promises, for they are true and faithful. Do not be swayed by the opinions of those around you, but rather listen to My voice and follow My will for your life. Remember that with Me, all things are possible, and you are well able to overcome any obstacle that you may face. Be like Caleb and Joshua, who had faith in My promises and believed that I was with them. I am with you also, my child, so do not be afraid. Trust in Me, and together, we will overcome every obstacle in your path.”

#Bible #God #WordOfGod #faith #inspiration #motivation #trust #victory

Monday, June 5, 2023

June 5 -- "Is The Lord's Hand Shortened?"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 11 & 12

"Is The Lord's Hand Shortened?"

The Israelites had been complaining about their lack of food and were longing for the meat and bread they had in Egypt. God promises to provide them with meat, but Moses doubts that it is possible to feed such a large number of people in the wilderness. God responds with this statement, assuring Moses that nothing is too difficult for Him and that He will keep His promises.

In the Bible, the imagery of the hand is often used to represent power, strength, and ability. For example, in the book of Exodus, God's "mighty hand" is mentioned several times as a symbol of His power and ability to deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Similarly, in the book of Psalms, the phrase "the right hand of God" is used to signify God's strength and favor towards His people.

The question, "Is the Lord's hand shortened?" is a rhetorical question that highlights the absurdity of the notion that God's power is limited. It reminds Moses that God is all-powerful and that nothing is impossible for Him.

This is a powerful reminder of His faithfulness and power to provide for His people. This promise is not limited to the Israelites in the wilderness but is applicable to every person who trusts in God. As Christ-followers, we may face trials, difficulties, and challenges that may make us doubt God's ability to provide for us. However, this verse teaches us that we should not doubt God's provision but trust that He will keep His promises.

Let us trust in God's promises and have faith in His power, knowing that He will always be with us and that His arm is never too short to reach us in our time of need.