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Sunday, June 11, 2023

June 11 -- "Buds, Blossoms, and Almonds"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 17

"Buds, Blossoms, and Almonds"

A dispute had arisen among the people of Israel. Some were questioning the authority of Aaron and his priestly line and believed that they too should be allowed to perform priestly duties. The dispute over Aaron's priesthood caused a significant disturbance among the Israelites.

So, God told Moses to settle the dispute by gathering twelve staffs, one from the leader of each of the twelve tribes of Israel and write the name of each tribe on their staffs. Then Moses was to place the staffs in the Tent of Meeting before the ark of the covenant, and the staff belonging to the man whom God had chosen would sprout.

The next day, when Moses went into the Tent of Meeting, he found that Aaron's staff had not only sprouted, but it had also budded, blossomed, and produced almonds. This miracle was seen as a sign confirming that God had chosen Aaron and his descendants to be the priests of Israel.

The story of the dispute over Aaron's priesthood teaches us several valuable lessons about finding our own purpose and not disputing God's choices. Firstly, it reminds us that God has a specific purpose for each of us, just as He had a specific purpose for Aaron and his descendants. Instead of comparing ourselves to others or seeking to take on roles that are not meant for us, we should seek to discern God's plan for our lives and to follow Him with obedience and trust.

Secondly, the story of the dispute over Aaron's priesthood teaches us the danger of questioning God's choices and seeking to undermine His authority. When Korah, Dathan, and Abiram challenged the priesthood of Aaron, they were not only challenging the authority of Aaron and Moses, but they were also challenging God's chosen plan for Israel. This ultimately led to their downfall and serves as a warning to us not to question God's wisdom and sovereignty.

Instead, we should seek to submit ourselves to God's plan and to trust that He knows what is best for us. We can find our purpose and fulfill it by seeking God's will for our own lives and not by disputing His calling for another person’s life.

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