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Monday, June 12, 2023

June 12 -- "Tithe of the Tithe"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 18

"Tithe of the Tithe"

The "tithe of the tithe" mentioned in Numbers 18:26 ESV is a portion of the tithe that the Levites were required to present to the Lord. The Levites were the recipients of the Lord’s tithe (or a tenth) of the produce and livestock that the people of Israel brought to the Tabernacle as an offering to God. This tithe was their inheritance and was intended to provide for their needs as they served in the Tabernacle.

However, the Levites were not exempt from giving back to God. They were required to present a tithe of the tithe (a second tithe) of what they received from the Israelites as a contribution to the Lord. This second tithe (tenth) was given to the high priest and used for the service of the Tabernacle.

The "tithe of the tithe" was an important reminder to the Levites that everything they received ultimately came from God and belonged to Him. It was a way of acknowledging God's provision and sovereignty over their lives and their ministry. It is also a reminder to Christian pastors, missionaries, church workers and ministry workers that they are not exempt from giving back to God a portion of that which He has blessed them with.

As a Christ-follower, the principle of the "tithe of the tithe" reminds us that everything we have ultimately comes from God and belongs to Him. We are called to be good stewards of what God has given us, including our finances, and to give back to Him a portion of what we receive. The principle of the "tithe of the tithe" also emphasizes the importance of supporting those who are dedicated to serving God and advancing His kingdom, whether that be our local church or other ministries.

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