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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June 14 -- "Look and be Healed"

Today's Reading: Numbers 21 

"Look and be Healed"

The Israelites were grumbling against God and Moses because they were tired of the journey and the food. As a result, God sent venomous snakes to bite them, and many of them died. When the people cried out for help, God instructed Moses to create a bronze serpent and put it on a pole. Anyone who looked at the serpent after being bitten would be healed and live.

The healing of the Israelites from the snake bites was supernatural and beyond human capabilities. The venom of the snakes was deadly, and there was no known cure for it at the time. However, when the Israelites looked at the bronze serpent on the pole, they were healed immediately. There was no actual power in the bronze serpent itself. This healing could only have been accomplished through the power of God.

This event is significant because it is a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ's death on the cross. Jesus Himself refers to it in John 3:14-15, "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life." Jesus is the "bronze serpent" on the pole, and just as the Israelites looked to the serpent and were healed, we can look to Jesus and be saved from our sin.

The healing of the Israelites from the snake bites was a physical representation of the spiritual healing that comes from believing in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross.

For modern-day Christ followers, this reminds us of God's power to save and heal. We are all bitten by the venom of sin, but if we look to Jesus, we can be saved and have eternal life. It also reminds us of the importance of faith and obedience. The Israelites had to look at the serpent to be healed, just as we must look to Jesus in faith to be saved.

So, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Let us trust in Him for salvation and turn away from sin. Look to Him and be saved!

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