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Thursday, June 15, 2023

June 15 -- "You Can't Curse What God Has Blessed"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 22:1-21

"You Can't Curse What God Has Blessed"

This verse is part of the account of Balaam, a non-Israelite prophet who was summoned by Balak, the king of Moab, to curse the Israelites. The Israelites were journeying through the wilderness towards the Promised Land. King Balak, fearing their growing numbers and military strength, sought to hinder their progress by having Prophet Balaam curse them. However, when Balaam inquired of God, the Lord instructed him not to go with King Balak's messengers and not to curse the Israelites because they were a blessed people.

This verse carries important lessons for modern-day Christ followers. Firstly, it reminds us of the power of God's blessing. Just as the Israelites were blessed by God, so are believers in Jesus Christ. As Christians, we have been blessed with forgiveness, salvation, the Holy Spirit, and the promise of eternal life. This blessing should fill us with gratitude and remind us that we are under the protection of our loving Heavenly Father, who will not permit our enemy to prosper over us.

Secondly, Numbers 22:12 teaches us about the importance of seeking God's guidance and obeying His instructions. Prophet Balaam initially desired to go with King Balak's messengers for personal gain, but he was instructed by God not to do so. Similarly, as Christians, we should seek God's will in every aspect of our lives. We must be willing to listen to His voice, follow His guidance, and align our actions with His Word.

It is vitally important that we recognize and appreciate the blessings we have received through our faith in Jesus Christ. Remember that our lives are marked by God's favor and that we are called to be a blessing to others. Seek God's guidance earnestly, allowing His Word and the Holy Spirit to shape our decisions and actions. Let obedience to God's commands be the foundation of our lives, and may our thoughts, words, and deeds reflect the love and righteousness of Christ.

In a world that often promotes self-centeredness, materialism, and moral relativism, let us be lights that shine with the truth and grace of the Gospel. Through our words and actions, let us point others to the blessings found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. May we be known as a people who walk in obedience to God's will, exemplifying His love, compassion, and justice in our interactions with others.

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