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Saturday, June 17, 2023

June 17 -- "The Trustworthy God: Unchanging and True"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 23

"The Trustworthy God: Unchanging and True"

Today’s amazing words, spoken by Balaam, served as a reminder to the Israelites that God's promises are reliable and trustworthy. They emphasized the unchanging nature of God and His commitment to fulfill what He had spoken. In the context of the narrative, these words reassured the Israelites that no matter the opposition they faced, God would protect and bless them according to His plan.

These words reaffirm the core character of God, emphasizing that He is not like humans who may lie or change their minds. This truth is repeated many times in the Bible, including Hebrews 6:18, which states, “it is impossible for God to lie.” God's words are sure, and His promises are steadfast. This verse encourages believers to trust in God's faithfulness and rely on His unchanging nature.

In practical terms, this verse should inspire Christians to have unwavering faith in God's promises. It calls for a steadfast belief that what God has spoken, He will bring to pass. It invites us to anchor our lives on the truth of God's Word and live with confidence in His unchanging nature.

Let us hold fast to the truth revealed here, that our God is a God of unwavering faithfulness. In a world filled with uncertainties and shifting circumstances, we can find solace in His unchanging nature. Let us trust in His promises and stand firm on His Word. Despite the challenges we face, remember that God is not a man who lies or changes His mind. He remains steadfast, and His plans for us are sure.

In our daily lives, let us live with the confidence that God will fulfill what He has spoken. Let us rely on His guidance and wisdom, knowing that His promises will never fail. May our faith be unwavering, our trust unshakable, and our hope secure in the unchanging God we serve.

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