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Friday, June 2, 2023

June 2 -- "A Gift for Aaron"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 8

"A Gift for Aaron"

The Levites who helped serve at the Tabernacle are described here as God’s “gift” to Aaron and his sons, the priests. And what a gift they were! The Levites were set apart as a special tribe in Israel, and their dedication to the service of God was considered a high honor. In a sense, the Levites were God's gift to the priests and to all the people of Israel, as they helped to facilitate their worship and maintain the holiness of the Tabernacle. By giving the Levites to Aaron and his sons, God ensured that the priesthood would have the necessary support and resources to carry out their duties effectively.

As Christians, we are called to serve and love one another within the body of Christ (Galatians 5:13). When we use our gifts and talents to serve others, we become a “gift” from God to our leaders, just as the Levites were a gift to Aaron and his sons. Every pastor is humbled and blessed when he thinks of those “gifts” amongst his congregation who help carry the load.

Christian leaders are tasked with the responsibility of guiding and shepherding the flock of believers under their care (1 Peter 5:2-3). This can be a challenging task, and having a team of dedicated and faithful servants can be a tremendous blessing. When we serve our leaders with humility and enthusiasm, we help to lighten their load and free them up to focus on other important tasks, such as prayer, teaching, and discipleship.

In addition, when we serve alongside our leaders, we help to build up the body of Christ and encourage others to use their own gifts and talents to serve the Lord. We become role models and examples for others to follow, and we help to create a culture of service and selflessness within the church.

By using our gifts and talents to bless others and build up the body of Christ, we become a precious gift to those who lead us in our spiritual journeys.  Become a “gift” to someone today!

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