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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

June 21 -- "Laying on of Hands"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 27

"Laying on of Hands"

Numbers 27:18 reveals a powerful act that carries deep significance—laying on of hands. When God instructed Moses to lay his hands on Joshua, it symbolized the impartation of authority, anointing, and blessing. This act represented a transfer of leadership and invoked the presence and power of the Holy Spirit upon Joshua's life. Joshua, of course, was chosen to succeed Moses because of the leadership qualities he practiced and the noticeable presence of the Holy Spirit within his life.

In the New Testament, we see the practice of laying on of hands continuing as a means of imparting spiritual gifts, healing, commissioning, and consecration. As believers, we can participate in this practice with reverence and expectation. We can lay hands on others in prayer, identifying with them and invoking God's power and grace upon their lives.

Today, consider the opportunities to lay hands on others. It may be during times of intercession when praying for healing, guidance, or breakthrough. It could also be during a time of commissioning or consecration, as you recognize someone's calling or appoint them to a specific task in God's kingdom.

Let us not underestimate the significance and power of laying on of hands. When we lay hands on others, we are participating in a divine act that connects us to God's authority and invites His intervention. It is an act of faith, acknowledging our dependence on Him and trusting in His ability to work through us.

Today, be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit as you consider the opportunities to lay hands on and pray for others. Allow God to work through you, knowing that His power and presence are released when we act in obedience. May you experience the transformative work of the Spirit as you participate in this sacred practice.

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