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Friday, June 23, 2023

June 23 -- "Faithful Communication in a Conflicting World"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 29

"Faithful Communication in a Conflicting World"

Here we find Moses obediently relaying the Lord's instructions to the children of Israel regarding the offerings they were to present during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Lord had given precise instructions for the burnt offerings, grain offerings, and drink offerings to be made on each of the seven days of the feast. Moses faithfully communicated these commands without omitting a single detail, exemplifying his unwavering commitment to fulfilling God's will.

Moses' obedience and dedication to accurately communicating God's instructions hold valuable lessons for us today. Just as Moses conveyed the Lord's words without alteration, we too are called to faithfully transmit God's Word to those around us. As followers of Christ, we have the incredible privilege and deep responsibility of sharing the unchanging truths of Scripture with others.

We live in a time where there is a great need for accurate teaching and faithful communication of God's Word. In a world filled with diverse opinions and conflicting messages, our responsibility as believers is to share the unadulterated truth of the Gospel. We must approach the task of spreading God's Word with the same reverence and commitment that Moses demonstrated.

Let us be inspired by Moses' obedience and dedication. May we diligently study the Scriptures, allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us, so that we can accurately communicate the truths of God's Word to those around us. As we engage in conversations, Bible studies, or even casual interactions, let us be mindful of the weight of our words.

As you go about your day, remember that you are entrusted with the precious task of sharing God's Word. Stay rooted in the Scriptures, seeking understanding and wisdom from the Lord. Dedicate yourself to accurately communicating His truths, and trust that the Holy Spirit will work through you to bring about transformation in the lives of those who hear.

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