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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June 28 -- "Barbs and Thorns"

Today's Reading: Numbers 33

"Barbs and Thorns"

In Numbers 33:55, we find a stern warning from God to the Israelites as they prepared to enter the Promised Land. God had commanded them to drive out the inhabitants of the land completely to avoid being influenced by their idolatrous practices. By allowing these nations to remain, the Israelites would face severe consequences, symbolized by the imagery of "barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides."

The metaphors of barbs and thorns suggest that allowing the pagan nations to remain would bring about continuous irritation, trouble, and suffering for the Israelites. It symbolizes the detrimental effects of compromise and disobedience to God's command to completely separate themselves from the idolatrous practices of the nations around them.

Just as the Israelites were called to separate themselves from the pagan nations surrounding them, we, as followers of Christ, are also called to live lives that are distinct from the values and practices of the world. Idolatry can take various forms today, including the pursuit of material possessions, the worship of self, or the idolizing of success and power. These idols, if allowed to remain in our lives, will hinder our spiritual growth and bring turmoil like barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides.

Let us take heed of the Lord's warning here and flee from idolatry in all its forms. We are called to be a holy people, set apart for God's purposes. It is not enough to merely acknowledge Jesus as our Savior; we must also surrender our lives completely to Him. This means examining our hearts and identifying any idols that may have taken residence within. Through prayer, seeking God, and the study of His Word, we can expose and uproot these idols, allowing Christ to reign supreme in our lives.

As we live in a world that constantly entices us with its idols, let us remember the words of the apostle John: "Little children, keep yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21 ESV). May we be vigilant in guarding our hearts and minds, seeking God's help to drive out anything that competes with His rightful place in our lives. By doing so, we will experience the freedom, joy, and peace that come from living in alignment with God's will.

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