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Thursday, June 29, 2023

June 29 -- "The Faithful Inheritance"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 34

"The Faithful Inheritance"

In today’s passage, we find a significant moment in the journey of the Israelites. The Lord commanded Moses to appoint leaders from each tribe to divide the Promised Land of Canaan as an inheritance for the people of Israel. The task at hand was no small feat. It required wisdom, integrity, hard work, and faithfulness to fulfill God's plan.

Just as God appointed leaders in the days of Moses, He still calls and equips leaders today. We may not be divvying up parcels of land, but we have been entrusted with spiritual stewardship. As followers of Christ, we are called to faithfully divide and distribute the inheritance of God's Word, love, and grace among His people.

First, we need to understand our inheritance in Christ. Through His death and resurrection, we have received forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life. We possess the abundant promises and blessings of God's kingdom. It is our privilege to share this "Promised Land" with others, revealing the hope found in Jesus.

Second, we must recognize our responsibility to faithfully “divide this inheritance.” We are called to rightly divide the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15), sharing it with clarity and accuracy. We should seek to discern the specific needs and struggles of those around us, offering words of encouragement, biblical counsel, prayer, and practical help. This, too, will require wisdom, integrity, hard work, and faithfulness to fulfill God's plan.

Let us remember that our primary task as followers of Christ is to faithfully distribute God's inheritance. May we be diligent in studying His Word, growing in intimacy with Him, and seeking the leading of the Holy Spirit. Let us invest in building relationships, demonstrating love and compassion, and walking alongside those who are in need.

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