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Sunday, June 4, 2023

June 4 -- "Signal for Help"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 10

"Signal for Help"

In Numbers 10:9, God instructs the Israelites to sound the alarm with the trumpets when they go to war. This alarm served two purposes. First, it reminded the Israelites that God is with them and that they can trust in Him to protect and save them. Second, it signaled to God that the Israelites were calling on Him for help.

It's worth noting that the Israelites used several different trumpet sounds for different purposes, including calling the community together, signaling the start of a journey, and announcing the arrival of a festival, and so on. Each of these sounds had a different meaning and was used in a specific context.

The Hebrew word used for "alarm" in this verse is "teruah," which refers to a specific type of trumpet sound that was used in ancient Israel. The "teruah" sound was made by blowing a trumpet or a shofar (a ram's horn) in a rapid, repetitive pattern. The pattern of the "teruah" sound is often described as consisting of nine short blasts, followed by a longer blast. The entire sequence would be repeated several times to create a sustained and urgent sound.

The Israelites were instructed to sound this alarm with the trumpets when they went to war, so that they would be remembered before the Lord their God, and He would save them from their enemies.

This principle of sounding the alarm to God is relevant to us as Christ-followers today. We may not be sounding literal trumpets or facing literal battles like the Israelites, but we do face challenges and struggles in our daily lives. We can apply the same principle of sounding the alarm to God when we face these challenges through our prayers and by calling upon Him. By doing so, we acknowledge our reliance on God and signal to Him that we need Him to be a part of our struggle.

We are not alone in our battles. We can trust in God to be with us and help us through our struggles, and we should always be ready to sound an alarm to Him when we face challenges or spiritual battles. As Christ-followers, we can take comfort in the fact that God is always with us and that He hears us when we signal for His help.

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