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Monday, June 5, 2023

June 5 -- "Is The Lord's Hand Shortened?"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 11 & 12

"Is The Lord's Hand Shortened?"

The Israelites had been complaining about their lack of food and were longing for the meat and bread they had in Egypt. God promises to provide them with meat, but Moses doubts that it is possible to feed such a large number of people in the wilderness. God responds with this statement, assuring Moses that nothing is too difficult for Him and that He will keep His promises.

In the Bible, the imagery of the hand is often used to represent power, strength, and ability. For example, in the book of Exodus, God's "mighty hand" is mentioned several times as a symbol of His power and ability to deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Similarly, in the book of Psalms, the phrase "the right hand of God" is used to signify God's strength and favor towards His people.

The question, "Is the Lord's hand shortened?" is a rhetorical question that highlights the absurdity of the notion that God's power is limited. It reminds Moses that God is all-powerful and that nothing is impossible for Him.

This is a powerful reminder of His faithfulness and power to provide for His people. This promise is not limited to the Israelites in the wilderness but is applicable to every person who trusts in God. As Christ-followers, we may face trials, difficulties, and challenges that may make us doubt God's ability to provide for us. However, this verse teaches us that we should not doubt God's provision but trust that He will keep His promises.

Let us trust in God's promises and have faith in His power, knowing that He will always be with us and that His arm is never too short to reach us in our time of need.

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