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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

June 6 -- "We Are Well Able"

Today's Reading: Numbers 13 

"We Are Well Able"

This verse follows the account of the twelve spies that Moses sent to scout out the land of Canaan. Ten of the spies brought back a negative report, causing the Israelites to lose faith in God's promise to give them the land. However, Caleb, along with Joshua, by faith believed that God was with them and that they were able to overcome the obstacles in their path.

The lesson that we can learn from this verse is that faith and trust in God are essential for us as Christ-followers. Just like Caleb and Joshua, we may face challenges and obstacles in our lives that seem insurmountable. However, if we trust in God's promises and believe that He is with us, we can overcome those challenges and achieve great things for His kingdom. Caleb knew that having the Lord on their side meant that they were “well able” to overcome the difficulties that lie ahead.

Furthermore, we should not be swayed by the negative reports and opinions of those around us, but rather remain focused on God's promises and His will for our lives. We should be like Caleb, who quieted the people and encouraged them to have faith in God's promises. As Christ-followers, we should also encourage and uplift those around us, helping them to see the truth of God's promises and the power of His presence in their lives. Having the Lord on our side means we are “well able” to overcome all of the challenges of this life.

A word from the Lord…  “My dear child, do not be afraid of the challenges that lie before you, for I am with you always. Trust in Me and believe in My promises, for they are true and faithful. Do not be swayed by the opinions of those around you, but rather listen to My voice and follow My will for your life. Remember that with Me, all things are possible, and you are well able to overcome any obstacle that you may face. Be like Caleb and Joshua, who had faith in My promises and believed that I was with them. I am with you also, my child, so do not be afraid. Trust in Me, and together, we will overcome every obstacle in your path.”

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