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Friday, June 9, 2023

June 9 -- "The Eternal God"

 Today's Reading: Psalm 90

"The Eternal God"

Psalm 90 is a prayerful meditation on the eternal nature of God and the fleeting nature of human life. It is one of the oldest Psalms in the Bible (probably the first one), and is attributed to Moses, making it the only Psalm in the collection to have an author from the Pentateuch era.

The Psalm begins by acknowledging God's infinite nature and His role as our dwelling place throughout all generations. It then contrasts God's eternity with the brevity of human life, emphasizing how quickly our days pass by and the frailty of our existence. In this way, the Psalm calls us to reflect on the transient nature of our lives, and to turn our hearts towards God who alone can provide us with a firm foundation and a meaningful purpose.

The phrase "before the mountains were brought forth" in verse 2 emphasizes God's pre-existence, highlighting the fact that God was present even before the natural world as we know it (time, space, matter) was created. This points to God's divine existence and emphasizes the fact that He is not bound by time or space in the way that we are.

The phrase "from everlasting to everlasting" reinforces this idea of God's eternal nature, emphasizing that He has always existed and will continue to exist forever. This highlights the fact that God is not subject to the limitations of time and space that we are, and that He is the ultimate source of stability, purpose, and security in a world that is constantly changing.

As the Psalm progresses, it shifts from reflection to prayer, asking God to teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. The Psalmist acknowledges our sinfulness and asks for God's mercy and favor, knowing that our hope is found in Him alone.

In many ways, Psalm 90 is a sobering reminder of our mortality and the importance of living each day with purpose and intention. It encourages us to turn our hearts towards God and to seek His mercy and grace in all circumstances. Despite the challenges and uncertainties of life, the Psalm reminds us that God is our refuge and our strength, and that in Him we can find joy, hope, purpose, and security.

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