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Monday, July 17, 2023

July 17 -- "The King God Chooses"

 Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 17

"The King God Chooses"

"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."  This quote, often attributed to William Shakespeare's play Henry IV, Part 2, highlights the burdens and responsibilities that come with being a ruler. It suggests that the position of a king or ruler is filled with challenges, anxieties, and constant pressure.

This entire section predicts that the day will come when the Israelites will opt-out of God’s “administration” and opt for a human king.  Although God had expressed that He wanted to walk among them, and be with them, and be their King, He acknowledges here that one day they will ask for a human king, like the other nations have.  Even though having a human king is not God’s “perfect will” for the nation, the LORD makes sure that when that day comes (and it will - see 1 Samuel 8) they have some guidelines on who they choose to put in power.

Some of these rules include: Israeli citizenship - their future king must be a fellow Israelite, not a foreigner. He must not be one who “multiplies horses” for himself or encourages others to do so.  He must be a faithful husband to his wife – one who does not take many wives for himself.  And, he must not be greedy for wealth – multiplying “silver and gold for himself.”

Most importantly, their future king must be the one “whom the LORD your God chooses.”  This is, by far, the most important criteria for selection of their king.  And, it is the most important criteria for us as we choose those who will be elected to public office.  Our duty is not to choose.  Our duty is to discern which candidate God has chosen. But how can we do that?  Well, most importantly we must prayerfully consider our choice and ask God to guide us.

In a practical sense, the leaders we choose must express an ideology that is aligned with Biblical principles and who will promote righteousness in our nation.  No one who follows Jesus should knowingly vote for anyone who stands for values, actions, or goals that directly oppose God’s will.  The leaders we elect should be men or women who display godly character and values and who will fight evil and promote good. 

Be careful to avoid choosing your leaders based on personality, or handsomeness, or oratory skills, or popularity. Choose the person whom the LORD your God chooses.  And always remember, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." (Proverbs 14:34)

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