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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

July 18 -- "Listen to Him"

 Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 18

"Listen to Him"

Are you listening to “the Prophet?”  In today’s passage, Moses gives the people the promise of a coming One – a Prophet who is to come in the future.  This is a prophetic statement about the future coming of the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth.  Moses exhorts the people that when He comes, they must listen to Him.

The Christian life revolves around listening to Jesus. Repeatedly in Scripture, we are exhorted to listen to Him. At Jesus’s transfiguration, a voice came out of the cloud saying, “This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to him!” (Luke 9:35).  Jesus said, “Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18:37)

Sadly, many Christians struggle with a common disorder known as “selective hearing.” We hear what we want to hear.  We love to listen to Him when He talks to us about love and grace and forgiveness.  But we turn deaf when He talks to us about repentance and obedience and sacrifice.  It is critical that we listen – really listen – to everything Jesus says to us and take action on the things He tells us.

But how can you listen to Him?  Does He speak to your ears in an audible voice?  Not usually (although He could).  There are three main ways that Jesus speaks to you: (1) the “visual channel” - through Scripture; (2) the “auditory channel” - through godly counsel and teaching; and (3) the “heart channel” -through the still, small voice of His Spirit communicating with your spirit.  Make sure you are listening through all three channels.

Start by reading your Bible.  As you read, ask God to speak to you directly from His word by His Spirit – to illuminate your understanding of His word. When you do, you will sense Jesus speaking to you.  When you need wisdom or direction - seek the counsel and advice of your Christian friends, pastors, and leaders. There is wisdom in the abundance of counselors.  Finally, be sure to spend quiet time tuned to the heart channel.  Visit with Him each and every day so you can hear His voice speaking directly to your heart.  It is to Him you shall listen.  And, when you hear, make sure you obey.

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