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Monday, July 31, 2023

July 31 -- "There is None Other"

 Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 32:30-52

"There is None Other"

In the first nineteen verses of this chapter, Moses is speaking as he recites his song for the people.  He refers to God as “He,” “Him,” and “His.”  But then - in verse twenty – Moses turns the “microphone” over to God and begins to record what the LORD has to say.  From this verse on, the personal pronouns “I,” “Me,” and “My” are used to indicate that God is speaking directly to the people.

He speaks very soberly about those who had forsaken Him and followed after other so-called “gods” (who are not really gods at all).  They turned away from the true and living God and turned to “gods” they did not know.  He charges them with forgetting “the God who fathered you.”  He then goes on to elaborate on the consequences they will face for forsaking Him and turning after these fake “gods.”  I will hide My face from you.  I will provoke you to jealousy. I will heap disasters on you. I will judge you. 

The LORD is grieving deeply. He laments their departure with very sad words. He is so longing for them to be wise and understand.  They need to consider their “latter end.”  It breaks His heart that they would so soon turn away from the One who fathered them and protected them and showed them His glory and power.  You can almost hear God’s voice cracking as He weeps over His unfaithful people.

He brings His words to a resounding climax in verse 39, where He declares, “Now see that I, even I, am He, and there is no god besides me.”  There’s not much else one can say after that statement. The LORD, YHWH, Jehovah is the ONLY ONE who is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent.  He alone is Infinite, Immutable, and Self-Sustaining.  He is a Being so superior to any other being that nothing or no one greater than Him exists or ever could exist.  He, alone is Light.  He, alone is Love. He alone is our Protector, Provider, and Guide. He is the only One who has offered salvation to those who trust in Him.  And He alone offers His love and grace to us if we will but forsake our false gods and follow Him alone.

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