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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

August 23 -- "Inquiring of the Lord"

 Today’s Reading: Judges 1

"Inquiring of the Lord"

The beginning of a new era has arrived for Israel. The book of Joshua ended with the people settling in the land, but there were still many areas left unconquered. Some enemies remained, and they had yet to claim all the territories that God had promised them. Sadly, Joshua, their leader, passed away, leaving them to continue without his guidance. Now, they must complete the task of occupying the Land, as God had pledged to them.

Before Joshua's passing, he passionately urged the people to fear God, worship Him wholeheartedly, reject idols, obey His commandments, and serve only the LORD. It was an exciting time filled with anticipation and hope. Imagine, a society chosen by God, founded on His principles and laws, and fully devoted to His leadership. This could be the start of something incredible.

The people began well. The very first verse of Judges tells us that they sought guidance from the LORD. They wanted to know the strategy for the upcoming battles and who should lead them in driving out the remaining people in Canaan. They had observed Moses and Joshua doing this for years – seeking God's guidance and wisdom. So, they followed the example of their late leaders and humbly asked God for direction.

Seeking God's guidance is crucial for those who follow Christ. Whenever we need to make a decision, big or small, it is essential to turn to God for His wisdom and direction. Sometimes, we may think a particular course of action is right, but when we seek God's guidance, He may show us a different path. We must learn that correct decisions are not always based on human reasoning, emotions, or passions. Even if we feel strongly about something, God's will may differ from ours.

Inquiring of the Lord involves more asking and seeking His heart rather than simply making requests for ourselves. While petitioning is telling God what we want Him to do for us, inquiring is asking God what is on His heart, what He wants us to pray for, and what His will is. Praying in this way honors God and helps us understand His desires. By humbly inquiring of the Lord, step by step, point by point, we can sense His leading and follow His direction.

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