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Saturday, August 26, 2023

August 26 -- "Up!"

 Today’s Reading: Judges 4


Inciting someone to good works is a practice that is honored and encouraged throughout the Bible.  Hebrews 10:24 commands us to consider how to stir up one another to love and good works. There are moments for all of us when we get down and discouraged or when we draw back when confronted by a strong enemy (sin, the flesh, the devil).  In those moments, we need someone to incite us to get up! 

In today’s reading, we have one such exhortation.  Barak, the commander of the Lord’s armies, was down.  He was discouraged and was drawing back because Jabin, the king of Canaan, had amassed an intimidating military arsenal.  We are told that Jabin had cruelly oppressed Israel with his nine hundred iron chariots for twenty years.  Barak was intimidated by this show of force, and was down – really down. It is likely that he was suffering some form of depression or, at least, despair.  His sadness had led to hopelessness and dejection.

Deborah was a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth. She was judge over Israel at that time.  She sent for Barak and said to him, “Get up!  It has become clear that God, the God of Israel, commands you to go to Mount Tabor and prepare for battle against Sisera, the leader of Jabin’s military forces.”  This appeal to Barak was Deborah’s way of inciting him to pull out of his discouragement and get back to doing what God had called him to do.  Barak, still feeling down and discouraged, said to Deborah, “If you go with me, I’ll go. But if you don’t go with me, I won’t go.”  Oftentimes, it is easier to pull out of our periods of discouragement when a fellow believer is by our side supporting us and keeping our head in the game.  This was one of those times. “I can’t do this alone,” says Barak, “I need your support.”  Deborah, moved by her faith in God, assured him that she would be with him.

Deborah’s word to Barak was, “UP!”  You’re down, but get UP.  You’re faith is waning, but get UP. Deborah reminded Barak that the LORD would be marching before them.  By faith, she declared, “This very day God has given you victory over Sisera.”  At the moment when Barak was at his lowest, when he thought defeat was certain, God was exhorting him to get UP and trust Him for the victory.

We all face downturns.  We all go through times of sadness and discouragement.  We are sometimes intimidated by the forces against us.  Sin will flex it’s muscles and say, “you’ll never defeat me.”  But we should never give up. Don’t yield yourself to despair.  Don’t listen to the lies of darkness.  Right at those moments when your defeat seems certain, the LORD says to you - “Up! This very day I have given you victory!”

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