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Sunday, September 10, 2023

September 10 -- "When The Spirit Rushes In"

 Today’s Reading: Judges 15

"When The Spirit Rushes In"

Verse 14 says, “The Spirit of the LORD rushed upon him.”  In other translations, this phrase “rushed upon” is translated as “came powerfully upon” (NIV); “came mightily upon” (KJV); “took control of” (HOL); “came over” (GW).  No matter how you say it, this was a phenomenal and powerful move of God’s Spirit upon Samson granting him astounding physical strength.

When the Spirit of the Lord rushes upon someone, some pretty amazing things begin to happen.  Here in Judges 15, the Spirit enabled Samson to break the ropes off his hands like they were powder and strike down an army of Philistines with a donkey’s jawbone.  Elsewhere in Scripture, we see the Spirit’s rushing power enabling people to do amazing supernatural feats: Saul mustered three hundred thousand Israelites for battle (1 Samuel 11:6-8); David was anointed as Israel’s king (1 Samuel 16:13); Azariah preached a powerful sermon (2 Chronicles 15:1); Balaam prophesied (Numbers 24:2); Jahaziel pronounced great words of encouragement (2 Chronicles 20:14). Every one of these actions were beyond the “natural” abilities of the person. Every one of these actions were enacted by a supernatural power that can come only from God.

Everywhere in Scripture where we read of the Holy Spirit coming upon people, we see unusual and unexplainable events take place.  In the New Testament we read, “And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” (Acts 2:2-4)  Unusual and unexplainable - the sound of rushing wind. Wildfire. Speaking in tongues. And an unexpectedly bold Gospel presentation by a coward, the Apostle Peter.  Wow! What unusual and unexplainable phenomenon. 

That’s what happens when God’s Spirit comes upon a person.  They are enabled to do things that they could not do in their human strength.  This is how God enables people to accomplish His great purposes. And when His Spirit rushes in – watch out!  Unusual and unexplainable events will arise.

What is that “thing” that God has put on your heart to accomplish for His kingdom? What ministry is calling you? Don’t attempt that thing in your own strength or human effort.  Instead, listen to what Jesus told you to do, “wait for the promise of the Father.”  Wait upon Him and in His perfect timing “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” (Acts 1:8). You, too can experience the Spirit rushing upon you resulting in unusual and unexplainable power happening in your life.

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