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Thursday, September 21, 2023

September 21 -- "Remember His Faithful Acts"

 Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 6 & 7

"Remember His Faithful Acts"

“Ebenezer” means “stone of help.”  Many times in the Bible a stone, or a pile of stones, has been used as a reminder of how God has helped someone. The stories of Noah, Jacob, Joshua, and Samuel are just a few.  Here, Samuel sets up this stone of help so the people will remember all the times the LORD had helped them in the past.  Samuel knew that remembering God’s help in the past would build up the people’s confidence in His help for the future.

Memories of God’s faithfulness enable us to bring the joys and victories of yesterday into today.  If God has done it before, He will do it again.  As we recall God’s faithfulness, we remained centered on Him and we can move forward with a sense of God’s sure promises for our present and future circumstances.  It has been said that God’s past acts are a prophecy of His future acts.

There are things that the Scripture admonishes us never to forget.  We are to “not forget the works of God” (Psalm 78:&); “forget none of His benefits (Psalm 103:2); we are to “remember His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations” (1 Chronicles 16:15). The Psalmist said, “will not forget your word” (Psalm 119:16); and, “you shall not forget the covenant that I have made with you” (2 Kings 17:38).

In the midst of difficult and heartbreaking times, it can be challenging to remain confident in the future.  That’s one of the reasons God has exhorted all of us to remember His faithful acts in the past.  What are some of the times when God has come through for you?  When has He provided for you, protected you, or enabled you to conquer your rough times?  Remember, since He has done it in the past, He will continue to do it in the future.  His past acts are a prophecy of His future acts.

Have you set up your own “Ebenezer” - some tangible reminder of God’s faithfulness?  Something that you can look at and be reminded of God’s faithfulness?  It’s probably not a pile of stones (though it could be), but I would encourage you to find a tangible article you can look back at.  Perhaps it is a note in your journal, or a poster on your wall, or a stone on your nightstand.  Perhaps it is a Facebook post from years ago that you see and it makes you say, “I will not forget; God has helped me in the past, and I know He holds my future.”

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