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Sunday, September 24, 2023

September 24 -- "Hearts Touched By God"

 Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 10

"Hearts Touched By God"

We all have “special” days in our lives.  Days which stand out as being unlike any other.  Usually, those days are marked by special occasions – the day we got engaged, our wedding day, the birth of a child, and other events.  At the top of this list for most of us is the day we met Jesus and our hearts were touched by Him.  On that day we became “new creatures” – our old life passed away and all things became new (2 Corinthians 5:17). We seem to remember these types of days for the rest of our lives.  In today’s passage, Saul has one such day.  A day in which his heart was touched by God.  A day he will never forget!

What a day for Saul, Israel’s newly found king.  First, he is approached by Samuel and told that he is to become king.  Then he is anointed with a flask of oil as Samuel inaugurates him into his new office. Then two men approach him and tell him his father’s lost donkeys have been found.  Next, a group of prophets arrive with their harps, tambourines, flutes, and lyres, prophesying over him.

Then, in arguably the most momentous event of the day (and of Saul’s life), the Spirit of God rushes upon him, he begins to prophesy, and is turned into a “new man.”  Verse 9 tells us that “God gave him another heart.”  As this amazing day nears the end, Saul is publicly proclaimed as the new king and the crowds of people shout, “Long live the king!”

As night falls, Saul heads for home.  He has just experienced a day like no other in his life.  When the morning began, he was just a boy looking for some lost donkeys.  As the day comes to an end, he is a man with a new heart and has become Israel’s first king.

Take note of verse 26, where we are told that when Saul heads for home, he is accompanied by “men of valor whose hearts God had touched.” This scripture always excites me because of its potential. There is nothing more exciting and fraught with possibility than to get a bunch of men and women together whose hearts have been touched by God. To me the potential of a band of people, hearts touched by God, is just incomprehensible. What God can do when He touches the hearts of men and women!

These are the kind of people you want surrounding you.  People who have been in contact with God.  People who will stick by you and endeavor always to support you in your life and ministry.  People who will pray for you and challenge you and walk with you into adventures for God.  Oh, how we need our hearts to be touched by God.  And oh, what a blessing it is when our lives are encircled by others whose hearts God has touched.  Nothing can stop a band of Christ followers who have had their hearts touched by God.

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