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Saturday, September 30, 2023

September 30 -- "The Lord Looks on the Heart"

Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 16

"The Lord Looks on the Heart"

Appearances can be deceiving. The outward appearance doesn’t reveal what people are really like. Physical looks don’t show us a person’s value or character or integrity or faithfulness to God. Outward qualities are, by definition, superficial. Moral and spiritual considerations are far more important to God.

The Lord is about to reveal to Samuel the next king of Israel.  The Lord told him that He has chosen a new king from among the sons of Jesse in the town of Bethlehem. After some initial hesitation, Samuel heads down to Bethlehem and begins to look over Jesse’s sons.  He is most likely looking for a strong warrior-type individual to lead the nation.  Someone who looks strong and able who can muster the support of the people.

So, one-by-one, Jesse’s sons come and present themselves to Samuel.  And, one-by-one, God rejects them, because they are not His chosen leader. God, told Samuel, “Looks aren’t everything. Don’t be impressed with his looks and stature. God judges persons differently than humans do. You tend to look at the outward appearance, but I look into the heart.” 

People tend to judge the character and worth of others by looking at outward appearances. If a person is tall, good-looking, well-built, well-spoken, and tastefully dressed, then he or she possesses physical qualities that humans generally admire and respect. Often these are the physical qualities we seek in a leader. But God has the unique ability to see inside a person. God knows our true character because he “looks at the heart.”

God was looking for someone who had a faithful heart. David, Jesse’s youngest son, whom they had not even bothered to call, was out tending the sheep. After Samuel passed over the other sons, they sent for David, and the Lord told Samuel, “This is the one.”  David was God’s choice.  He was not perfect, but he was humble and faithful, a man after God’s heart. In his time alone in the fields, shepherding the flocks, David had come to know God as his Shepherd.

There are two important lessons for us in this passage.  First, if we desire to be used of God and chosen by Him for ministry, we must focus on the inner person and cultivate a faithful heart. The Lord is looking for those whose hearts and humble are faithful to place into positions of service.  Second, we must be careful not to look at appearances when making choices in life.  We must humbly seek God’s view of a person and rely fully on His wisdom to help us choose wisely.


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