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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

September 5 -- "When God Repays Evil"

 Today’s Reading: Judges 9:22-57

"When God Repays Evil"

There are times when people do evil and there seems to be no consequences for their actions.  This reality troubled Job who asked, “Why do the wicked live, reach old age, and grow mighty in power?” (Job 21:7)  It also grieved Asaph who said, “For I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.” (Psalm 73:3)  The truth is that sometimes evil goes unpunished – at least in this lifetime.

There are other times when evil people are repaid by God swiftly and decisively.  Chapter 9 of Judges records one such instance – when God returned evil upon Abimilech for his arrogant, corrupt, and brutal takeover of Shechem.

You remember that Abimilech wanted to be crowned as ‘king’.  So, he enlisted the help of some mercenaries from Shechem to murder his 69 brothers in cold blood.  Fortunately, one brother, Jotham – the youngest, escaped the treachery of these men.  Following his escape, Jotham shouted down his rebuke upon the people of Shechem.  During his scathing message, Jotham pronounced a curse upon Abimilech and the Shechemites.  He said, “If you have done an evil thing in choosing Abimilech, then let fire come down and devour the leaders of Shechem and Abimelech.”

In due course trouble arose among Abimelech and the Shechemites.  In due course, God repaid them for their evil.  In due course, Jotham’s curse was fulfilled.  Abimelech’s uncontrolled rage and lack of caution soon brought about his own death. The Shechemites who supported him were also destroyed, as Jotham had predicted.  The evil that they did against Gideon's sons was repaid by God.

That the men of Israel would ever follow such a man as Abimelech provides a sad commentary on the moral and spiritual level of God’s people at that time. This is what incomplete obedience to God’s Law and compromise with His enemies produces - a poor choice of a leader and God’s retribution for evil.  This is why we must take our duty of choosing leaders very prayerfully and carefully.  If we choose well, our nation will prosper.  If we choose poorly, we invite the judgment of God.  Maybe not immediately, but in due course, God will repay evil.

"Fret not yourself because of evildoers, do not be envious of wrongdoers.  For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb.” (Psalm 37:1-2)  God will ultimately repay all evil done by unrepentant and unbelieving people.  Sometimes in this life.  Sometimes in the life to come.  But make no mistake – evil actions by evil people do not escape the watching eye of our Creator.

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