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Friday, September 8, 2023

September 8 -- "When God Stirs"

 Today’s Reading: Judges 12 & 13

"When God Stirs"

What a blessing this must have been for Samson’s mom and dad.  They had sacrificed for him, and prayed for him before he was born and as he grew up.  And now, they could see the blessing of the LORD begin to come upon him.  The Spirit of the LORD began to stir him.  Oh, what joy this brings to any Christian parent!  Watching their child be stirred by the Holy Spirit.  There comes a time in every child’s life when his/her parents can only stand back and watch as God’s Spirit begins to move in their child’s life.

Samson was a man who was born into a godly family, whose miraculous birth was announced by a visit from an Angel, and upon whose life was a specific calling from the Lord.  So, in His perfect timing, God began to stir him. The Hebrew word for “stir” here is “pa’am” which literally means “to agitate; to thrust; to push.” God’s Spirit began to “thrust” Samson.  He was pushing Samson into ministry, urging him to step up and assume the Divine calling upon his life. 

It is a blessed thing to have the Spirit of the Lord stirring in your life. You can’t describe it, but you can feel it – sense it.  It is a spiritual sense that comes upon you that you cannot ignore.  It is a sense of unrest that pushes you to say, “It is time to start. It is time to move forward. It is time to get things done!”  This sense of stirring happened when you first accepted Christ at the urging of the Holy Spirit upon your soul. As the Holy Spirit convicted you, your heart was stirred and you, by faith, were born again into a new life in Christ.  What an amazing and precious day that was!

This same sense of stirring happens again when the Holy Spirit is calling you to do a work for His kingdom.  In His perfect timing, He will urge you, agitate you, and push you forward to a new service for Him.  Don’t ignore the stirring of God. (Actually, you couldn’t even if you tried.) Think of it!  God loves you and has a wonderful purpose for your life.  Everything that has happened to you has led you to this point.  And now, God stirs you.  Listen to that persistent tugging on your heart that just won’t go away. Get up and do it!  It is time!  Let God thrust you into fulfilling His purpose for your life.

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