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Saturday, September 9, 2023

September 9 -- "Clueless Parents"

 Today’s Reading: Judges 14

"Clueless Parents"

His father and mother had no idea that God was behind Samson’s attraction to a young Philistine girl.  His parents very “properly” opposed Samson’s marriage to this Pagan woman. "Aw come on, Samson, there are plenty of beautiful Israeli girls around here, why do you have to go down and fall in love with a Philistine?"  But the Scriptures tell us that God was in it and Samson’s parents had no clue.  The Lord had an agenda to achieve and He would use Samson’s marriage to this Philistine girl to further His plan.

It is not unusual for God to leave parents “out of the loop” when He begins to move in their children’s lives.  And sometimes the child’s actions may seem “improper” to the parents when they don’t recognize the hand of God in the situation. 

I know someone who was raised in a “proper” church setting. Her parents were devoted church-goers and they always attended the same denominational church.  They were heavily involved in the life of their church – volunteering for many ministries and participating in virtually every church activity.  When their (now 18-year old) daughter came home and told them she was now attending another church in a nearby city, they were shocked and dismayed. They had no idea that God was behind this.  It all seemed so “improper” to them. Especially because this church was new in town and didn’t follow all of the prescribed doctrines and practices of their denomination. They did their best to discourage this change in their daughter’s life, but God was up to something and they just couldn’t see it.

As their daughter attended this new church, her life changed dramatically as the Holy Spirit began a new work in her life. She was “born again” after accepting Christ (a practice her parents’ church frowned on).  She began to study the Scriptures.  She got involved in ministry.  And she got to be part of what we now call “the Jesus movement” – one of the greatest moves of God in our generation. God was behind this girl’s decision to “change venues.”  But her parents had no idea. So stuck in their “proper” ways, they failed to see the handiwork of God right before their eyes. 

Parents, it is indeed your job to raise your child in the ways of the Lord and to protect them from being led astray. But don’t put God in a box and falsely believe that He will always work the “proper” way you’re used to. Sometimes He does new things – in a new way. It may just be His plan to keep you “out of the loop” as He begins an amazing work in your child.  So, if you’re a parent - engage in prayer asking for God’s discernment.  You may just find that God is on the move.  And if you’re the child – don’t be afraid to move in the direction God is leading, even if your parents may find it improper.  Just be sure you are following the leading of the Spirit of God.

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