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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

October 11 -- "Vaccinated Against Fear"

Today’s Reading: Psalms 7 & 27 

"Vaccinated Against Fear"

We live in difficult times. People are traumatized. There is much fear and anxiety permeating our world. Fear is an instrument of the devil. Satan is the purveyor of fear and is doing a masterful job of infecting humanity with a “virus of fear.”  Using communication vessels such as TV news, radio, social media platforms, politicians, and governments, Satan has done a expert job of placing the fear and dread of sickness and death and war and terrorism and financial uncertainties into the hearts and minds of billions of people around the world. This unprocessed fear cuts us off from our full aliveness and spirit, and it separates us from others. So, how do we, as followers of Christ, cope with such fear?  How do we keep our lives from being overcome by this satanic fear?

David was also facing fear. His life was in danger on a daily basis as he was hunted and hounded by king Saul who was certainly out to kill him. If he did not properly handle his fear, he could have easily been overcome and turned into a cowering scaredy-cat. But he kept his life from being overcome by the darkness of fear by “inoculating” himself with a spiritual “vaccine” of sorts. He insulated himself from fear by applying three truths of God to his life.  David’s threefold inoculation from fear is described for us here in Psalm 27:1 – The Lord is my LIGHT. The Lord is my SALVATION. The Lord is my STRONGHOLD.  If we are to cope with the darkness of fear all around us, we too must vaccinate ourselves with these same three truths.

THE LORD IS MY LIGHT. The Apostle John wrote, “This is the message we have heard from Him and proclaim to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.”  (1 John 1:5) When you look to Him (rather than listening to the vessels of Satan), your heart is enlightened with His truth. He becomes your counselor, comforter, companion, and deliverer in all your distresses. The way of God is bright.  As our lighthe shows us the way in which we must walk, and gives us comfort in walking therein. Inoculate yourself from the darkness of fear with the light of God and His word.

THE LORD IS MY SALVATION. When all is said and done, your future is held in the masterful hands of your Creator. As a follower of Christ, there is no doubt about the ultimate end of your life.  When He is finished with you in this world (and not a moment sooner), you are promised eternal salvation in His glorious kingdom.  Knowing this truth keeps your heart wrapped in confidence and joy.  Inoculate yourself from fear with the joy of God’s salvation.

THE LORD IS MY STRONGHOLD.  Psalm 18:2 says, “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”  As Christians, we are uniquely blessed with protection from all of the difficulties and fears that this life tries to bring upon us.  Run to Him.  He is your hiding place.  Inoculate yourself from fear by finding your strength in the safe hands of your God! 

With David the Psalmist, we should confidently say, “of whom (or what) shall I be afraid?”

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